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National Enforcement Trends

Results Topics

The National Enforcement Trends (NETs) report provides national and regional enforcement and compliance results and trends.

Data in NETs is organized into enforcement and compliance program categories and includes data to the most recently completed fiscal year. For newer performance measures that are added to the report only one to two years of data are currently available.

These data, which are totals of national and regional federal activity, are presented employing a variety of different graphical approaches. Metadata following each NETs table and graph provides the background and explanation on how the data in that chart are counted; highlighting specific changes to counting methodology, definitions, or circumstances which affect the trends shown in the chart. Examination of the metadata is critical to a full and accurate understanding of the data provided through NETs.

NETs replaces an earlier EPA enforcement and compliance results and trends document, the "Measures of Success" or "MOS" Report.

The material is presented in an Adobe/Acrobat format which may be easily exported into other formats. If you have difficulties exporting the data, or if you need the data in an alternate format, please contact David Sprague in EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance by e-mail (sprague.david@epa.gov) or telephone (202-564-4103).

Complete National Enforcement Trends (NETs) report (PDF) (378 pp, 8MB), updated June 2012.

Report by Section:

  1. Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Numbers at a Glance
  2. Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Results
  3. Five Year Trends - Activities
  4. Five Year Trends - Results
  5. Long Term Trends - Activities
  6. Long Term Trends - Results
  7. Inspections and Investigations
  8. Voluntary Disclosures
  9. National Initiatives Enforcement
  10. Top Enforcement Cases
  11. Regional Trends

You will need Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF page to learn more.

A. Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Numbers at a Glance
Timeframe (FY)
FY 2011 (PDF) (3 pp, 29K) | FY 2010 (PDF) (3 pp, 31K) | FY 2009 (PDF) (3 pp, 52K) | FY 2008 (PDF) (3 pp, 44K) | FY 2007 (PDF) (3 pp, 58K) | FY 2006 (PDF) (2 pp, 84K)
2006 - 2011

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B. Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Results
Timeframe (FY)
FY 2011 GPRA (PDF) (2 pp, 19K) | FY 2010 GPRA (PDF) (2 pp, 26K) | FY 2009 GPRA (PDF) (2 pp, 26K) | FY 2008 GPRA (PDF) (3 pp, 26K) | FY 2007 GPRA (PDF) (2 pp, 43K) | FY 2006 GPRA (PDF) (1 pg, 70K)
2006 - 2011

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C. Five Year Trends – Activities
Timeframe (FY)
Civil Enforcement Case Initiations (PDF) (5 pp, 80K)
2007 - 2011
Civil Enforcement Case Conclusions (PDF) (5 pp, 55K)
2007 - 2011
Criminal Enforcement Program Activities (PDF) (3 pp, 30K)
2007 - 2011

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D. Five Year Trends – Results
Timeframe (FY)
National Estimates of Direct Environmental Benefits Achieved Through EPA's Enforcement Actions (PDF) (3 pp, 60K)
2007 - 2011
National Estimates of Preventative Environmental Benefits Achieved through EPA's Enforcement Actions (PDF) (3 pp, 37K)
2007 - 2011
Administrative and Civil Judicial Penalties (PDF) (8 pp, 108K)
2007 - 2011
Total Fines and Penalty Collections (PDF) (4 pp, 52K)
2007 - 2011
Value of Complying Actions (PDF) (4 pp, 44K)
2007 - 2011
Value of Supplemental Environmental Projects (PDF) (4 pp, 37K)
2007 - 2011

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E. Long Term Trends - Activities
Timeframe (FY)
Administrative Penalty Order Complaints (PDF) (3 pp, 62K)
1991 - 2011
Civil Judicial Referrals (PDF) (3 pp, 47K)
1972 - 2011
Criminal Fines, Restitution and Program Activities (PDF) (4 pp, 39K)
1983 - 2011
Administrative Compliance Orders (PDF) (3 pp, 41K)
1994 - 2011
Final Administrative Penalty Orders (PDF) (3 pp, 41K)
1994 - 2011
Civil Judicial Conclusions (PDF) (3 pp, 40K)
1994 - 2010

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F. Long Term Trends – Results
Timeframe (FY)
Civil Judicial Conclusions and Penalties (PDF) (3 pp, 33K)
1994 - 2011
Enforcement Penalties (PDF) (4 pp, 50K)
1974 - 2011
Administrative and Civil Judicial Penalties (PDF) (8 pp, 87K)
2000 - 2011
Supplemental Environmental Projects (PDF) (4 pp, 45K)
1999 - 2011
Value of Complying Actions (PDF) (7 pp, 73K)
1997 - 2011
National Estimates of Direct Environmental Benefits Achieved through EPA's Concluded Enforcement Actions (PDF) (3 pp, 63K)
2002 - 2011

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G. Inspections and Investigations
Timeframe (FY)
Inspections - Five Year Trends: Federal Inspections and Evaluations (PDF) (3 pp, 60K)
2007 - 2011
Inspections - Long Term Trends: Federal Inspections and Evaluations (PDF) (3 pp, 57K)
1994 - 2011
Investigations: All Civil Investigations (PDF) (3 pp, 120K)
2002 - 2011

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H. Voluntary Disclosures
Timeframe (FY)
Voluntary Disclosures (PDF) (2 pp, 34K)
1999 - 2011

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I. National Initiatives Enforcement
Timeframe (FY)
National Initiatives Civil Investigations (PDF) (3 pp, 45K)
2002 - 2010
National Initiatives Inspection/Evaluations (PDF) (2 pp, 31K)
2005 - 2010
Estimated Environmental Benefits Achieved from Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act National Priority Enforcement Cases (PDF) (3 pp, 61K)
2005 - 2010
Fiscal Year National Initiatives Enforcement Action Conclusions (PDF) (7 pp, 154K)
2005 - 2010
National Initiatives Enforcement Action Conclusions (PDF) (3 pp, 34K)
2005 - 2010
Overall Contribution of National Initiatives to EPA's Annual Results (PDF) (9 pp, 152K)
2006- 2010
Full Name of OECA's National Initiatives (PDF) (1 pg, 14K)

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J. Top Enforcement Cases
Timeframe (FY)
Top Injunctive Relief since FY96 (PDF) (3 pp, 42K)
1996 - 2010
Top Pounds Pollutant Reduced since FY03 (PDF) (6 pp, 70K)
2003 - 2010
Top Civil Penalty Cases of All Time (PDF) (4 pp, 39K)
Top 25 Civil Cases - Based on Penalty Amount (PDF) (9 pp, 99K)
2006 - 2010
Top 25 Civil Cases - Based on Injunctive Relief Amount (PDF) (10 pp, 104K)
2006 - 2010
Top 25 Civil Cases - Based on Amount of Pollutants Reduced (PDF) (23 pp, 239K)
2006 - 2010

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K. Regional Trends
Timeframe (FY)
Civil Enforcement Case Initiations – Regions (PDF) (23 pp, 367K)
2003 - 2010
Civil Enforcement Case Conclusions – Regions (PDF) (23 pp, 455K)
2003 - 2010
Expedited Administrative Penalty Orders – Regions (PDF) (12 pp, 225K)
2003 - 2010
National Estimates of Direct Environmental Benefits Achieved Through EPA's Enforcement Actions – Regions (PDF) (4 pp, 53K)
2003 - 2010
Administrative and Civil Judicial Penalties – Regions (PDF) (23 pp, 323K)
2003 - 2010
Value of Complying Actions- Regions (PDF) (24 pp, 268K)
2003 - 2010
Supplemental Environmental Projects- Regions (PDF) (23 pp, 230K)
2003 - 2010
Inspections/Evaluations - Regions (PDF) (23 pp, 367K)
2003 - 2010
Civil Investigations - Regions (PDF) (12 pp, 149K)
2003 - 2010

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