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Ebel, E. D., Williams M. S., Golden, N. J., Marks, H. 2012. Simplified framework for predicting changes in public health from performance standards applied in slaughter establishments. Food Control. 28:250-257.

Ebel, E.D., Williams M. S., Schlosser, W.D. 2012. Parametric distributions of under-diagnosis parameters used to estimate annual burden of illness for five foodborne pathogens. Journal of Food Protection. 75:775-778.

Hoelzer, K., Pouillot, R., Gallagher, D., Silverman, M.B., Kause, J., Dennis, S. 2012. Estimation of Listeria monocytogenes transfer coefficients and efficacy of bacterial removal through cleaning and sanitation. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 157:267-277.

Hoelzer, K., Oliver, H. F., Kohl, L. R., Hollingsworth, J., Wells, M. T., and Wiedmann, M. Structured Expert Elicitation about Listeria monocytogenes Cross-Contamination in the Environment of Retail Deli Operations in the United States. Risk Analysis. 32(7): 1139-56.

Luchansky, J.B., Porto-Fett, A.C., Shoyer, B.A., Call, J.E., Schlosser, W., Shaw, W., Bauer, N., Latimer, H. Fate of Shiga toxin-producing O157:H7 and non-O157:H7 Escherichia coli cells within blade-tenderized beef steaks after cooking on a commercial open-flame gas grill. 2012. Journal of Food Protection. 75:62-70.

Williams M. S., Ebel, E.D. 2012. Methods for fitting a parametric probability distribution to most probable number data. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 157:251-258.

Williams M. S., Ebel, E.D. 2012. Estimating changes in public health following implementation of HACCP in the United States broiler slaughter industry. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease. 9:59-67.

Williams M. S., Ebel, E. D., Hoeting, J. H., Withee, J.L. 2012. A Bayesian Approach for Calibrating Risk Assessment Models. In: Novel Approaches and Their Applications in Risk Assessment, Y. Luo (ed). InTecOpen, ISBN 978-953-51-0519-0.


Dearfield K.L., V. Thybaud, M.C. Cimino, L. Custer, A. Czich, J.S. Harvey, S. Hester, J.H. Kim, D. Kirkland, D.D. Levy, E. Lorge, M.M. Moore, G. Ouédraogo-Arras, M. Schuler, W. Suter, K. Sweder, K. Tarlo, J. van Benthem, F. van Goethem and K.L. Witt. Follow-up actions from positive results of in vitro genetic toxicity testing. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis 52: 177-204, 2011.

Guo C., Hoekstra R.M., Schroeder, C.M., Pires, S.M., Ong, K.L., Hartnett E., Naugle A., Harman J., Bennett P., Cieslak P., Scallan E., Rose B., Holt K.G., Kissler B., Mbandi, E., Roodsari, R., Angulo, F.J., Cole, D. 2011. Application of Bayesian techniques to model the burden of human salmonellosis attributable to U.S. food commodities at the point of processing: Adaptation of a Danish model. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 8(4): 509-516.

Gurtler J.B., Marks, H.M., Jones, D.R., Bailey, R.R., Bauer, N.E. 2011. Modeling the thermal inactivation kinetics of heat-resistant Salmonella Enteritidis and Oranienburg in 10 percent salted liquid egg yolk. Journal of Food Protection. 74(6):882-92.

Hayashi, M., K. Dearfield, P. Kasper, D. Lovell, H-J. Martus and V. Thybaud. Compilation and use of genetic toxicity historical control data. Mutation Research 723: 87-90, 2011.

Luchansky, J.B., Porto-Fett, A.C., Shoyer, B.A., Call, J.E., Schlosser, W., Shaw, W., Bauer, N., and H. Latimer. Inactivation of Shiga toxin-producing O157:H7 and Non-O157:H7 Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli in brine-injected, gas-grilled steaks. Journal of Food Protection. 74(7):1054-64.

McCoy E, Morrison J, Cook V, Johnston J, Eblen D, Guo C. 2011. Foodborne agents associated with the consumption of aquaculture catfish. Journal of Food Protection 74(3):500-16.

Pfuhler, S., M. Fellows, J. van Benthem, R. Corvi, R. Curren, K. Dearfield, P. Fowler, R. Frötschl, A. Elhajouji, L. Le Hégarat, T. Kasamatsu, H. Kojima, G. Ouédraogo, A. Scott, and G. Speit. In vitro Genotoxicity Test Approaches with Better Predictivity: Summary of an IWGT workshop. Mutation Research 723: 101-107, 2011.

Thybaud V, J.T. MacGregor, L. Müller, R. Crebelli, K. Dearfield, G. Douglas, P.B. Farmer, E. Gocke, M. Hayashi, D.P. Lovell, W.K. Lutz, D. Marzin, M. Moore, T. Nohmi, D.H. Phillips and J. van Benthem. Strategies in case of positive in vivo results in genotoxicity testing. Mutation Research 723: 121-128, 2011.

Williams M.S., Ebel, E.D., and J.H. Hoeting. 2011. Bayesian analysis for food-safety risk assessment: evaluation of dose-response functions within WinBUGS. Journal of Statistical Software 43:1-14.

Williams M.S., Ebel, E.D., and D. Vose. 2011. Framework for microbial food-safety risk assessments amenable to Bayesian modeling. Risk Analysis 31:548-565.

Williams M.S., Ebel, E.D., and D. Vose. 2011. Methodology for determining the appropriateness of a linear dose-response function. Risk Analysis 31:345-350.


Callaway TR, Dowd SE, Edrington TS, Anderson RC, Krueger N, Bauer N, Kononoff PJ, Nisbet DJ. Evaluation of bacterial diversity in the rumen and feces of cattle fed different levels of dried distillers grains plus solubles using bacterial tag-encoded FLX amplicon pyrosequencing. J Anim Sci. 2010 Dec;88(12):3977-83. Epub 2010 Aug 20.

Endrikat, S., Gallagher, D., Pouillot, R. Quesenberry, H., LaBarre, D., Schroeder, C. and J. Kause. 2010. A comparative risk assessment for Listeria monocytogenes in prepackaged versus retail-sliced deli meat. Journal of Food Protection 73: 612-619

Schreider, J., C. Barrow, N. Birchfield, K. Dearfield, D. Devlin, S. Henry, M. Kramer, S. Schappelle, K. Solomon, D.L. Weed, and M.R. Embry. Enhancing the credibility of decisions based on scientific conclusions: transparency is imperative. Toxicological Sciences 116: 5-7, 2010.

Williams M.S., Ebel, E.D. Golden, N.J., Berrang, M.E., Bailey, J.S., and E. Hartnett. 2010. Estimating Removal Rates of Bacteria from Poultry Carcasses using Two Whole-Carcass Rinse Volumes. International Journal of Food Microbiology 139:140:146.

Williams, M.S., J.S. Withee, E.D. Ebel, N.E. Bauer, Jr., W.D. Schlosser, W. T. Disney, D.R. Smith, and R.A. Moxley. 2010. Determining relationships between the seasonal occurrence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in live cattle, ground beef, and humans. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 7:1247-1254


Edmund A. Crouch, David LaBarre, Neal J. Golden, Janell R. Kause, and Kerry L. Dearfield. 2009. Application of Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessments for estimation of Risk Management Metrics: Clostridium perfringens in Ready-to-Eat and Partially Cooked Meat and Poultry Products as an Example. Journal of Food Protection 72(10): 2151-2161

Dearfield, K.L. and S. Rigby. Dealing with Intentional and Unintentional Contaminants in Meat and Poultry Products Regulated by the USDA/FSIS, IN: Intentional and Unintentional Contaminants in Food and Feed, F. Al-Taher, L. Jackson and J. DeVries (Eds.). ACS Symposium Series 1020, American Chemical Society (ACS) Publications, pp. 217-228, 2009.

Elespuru, R.K., R. Agarwal, A.H. Atrakchi, C.A.H. Bigger, R.H. Heflich, D.R. Jagannath, D.D. Levy, M.M. Moore, Y. Ouyang, T.W. Robison, R.E. Sotomayor, M.C. Cimino and K.L. Dearfield. Current and future application of genetic toxicity assays: the role and value of in vitro mammalian assays. Toxicological Sciences 109: 172-179, 2009.

Golden, N.J., Crouch, E.A. , Latimer, H., Kadry, A. and J. Kause. 2009. Risk Assessment for Clostridium perfringens in Ready-to-Eat and Partially Cooked Meat and Poultry Products. Journal of Food Protection 72(7): 1376-1384

Golden, N.J., Schlosser, W.D., and E.D. Ebel. 2009. Risk assessment to estimate the probability of a chicken flock infected with H5N1 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza virus reaching slaughter undetected. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 6(7):827-835.

Huwe, J., D. Pagan-Rodriguez, N. Abdelmajid, N. Clinch, D. Gordon, J. Holterman, E. Zaki, M. Lorentzsen, and K. Dearfield. 2009. Survey of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins, Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans, and Non-ortho-polychlorinated Biphenyls in U.S. Meat and Poultry, 2007 - 2008: Effect of New Toxic Equivalency Factors on Toxic Equivalency Levels, Patterns, and Temporal Trends. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (57) 11194-200.

Wells, S.J., Ebel, E.D. and Williams, M.S. 2009. Use of epidemiologic information in targeted surveillance for population inference. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 89:43-50.

Williams, M.S., Ebel, E.D., Wells, S.J. 2009. Population inferences from targeted sampling with uncertain epidemiologic information. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 89:25-33.

Williams, M.S., Ebel, E.D., Wells, S.J. 2009. Poisson Sampling: A sampling strategy for concurrently establishing freedom from disease and estimating population characteristics. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 89:34-42.

Withee, J.S., M.S. Williams, W.T. Disney, W.D. Schlosser, N.E. Bauer, and E.D. Ebel. 2009. Streamlined Analysis for Evaluating the Use of Preharvest Interventions Intended to Prevent Escherichia coli O157:H7 Illness in Humans. Foodborne Pathogens and disease 6(7): 817-825.


Golden, N.J., Marks, H.H., Coleman, M.E., Schroeder, C.M., Bauer, N.E., and W.D. Schlosser. 2008. Review of induced molting by feed removal and contamination of eggs with Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis. Veterinary Microbiology 131:215-228.

Heejeong K. Latimer, Harry M. Marks, Margaret E. Coleman, Wayne D. Schlosser, Neal J. Golden, Eric D. Ebel, Janell Kause, and Carl M Schroeder. 2008. Evaluating the effectiveness of pasteurization for reducing human illnesses from Salmonella spp. in egg products: Results of a quantitative risk assessment. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 5(1):59-68.

Huwe, J.K., Dearfield, K., Pagan-Rodriguez, D., Clinch, N., Hicks, J., Holterman, J., Lorentzsen, M.K., Larsen, G.L., Gordon, D., "Effect of updated 2005 TEFS on previous USDA food surveys of PCDD/Fs and co-planar PCBS and comparison to initial results from a new survey", Organohalogen Compounds 70: 1514-1517, 2008.

McCarroll, N., N. Keshava, M. Cimino, M. Chu, K. Dearfield, C. Keshava, A. Kligerman, R. Owen, A. Protzel, R. Putzrath and R. Schoeny. An evaluation of the mode of action framework for mutagenic carcinogens case study: cyclophosphamide. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis 49: 117-131, 2008.

Powell, M., Scott, A., and E. Ebel. 2008. Analyzing BSE surveillance in low prevalence countries. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 83: 337-346.


Thybaud, V., M. Aardema, J. Clements, K. Dearfield, S. Galloway, M. Hayashi, D. Jacobson-Kram, D. Kirkland, J. MacGregor, D. Marzin, W. Ohyama, M. Schuler, H. Suzuki and E Zeiger. Strategy for genotoxicity testing: hazard identification and risk assessment in relation to in vitro testing. Mutation Research 627: 41-58, 2007.

Williams, M.S., Ebel, E.D., Wagner, B.A. 2007. Monte Carlo approaches for determining power and sample size in low-prevalence applications. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 82:151-158.

Withee, J. and K.L. Dearfield. Genomics-based food-borne pathogen testing and diagnostics: possibilities for the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis 48: 363-368, 2007.


Altekruse S., Bauer N., Chanlongbutra, A., DeSagun, R., Naugle, A., Schlosser, W., Umholtz, R., and P. White 2006. Salmonella Enteritidis in broiler chickens, United States 2000-2005. Emerging Infectious Diseases 12:1848-52. 2006

Schroeder, C.M., Latimer, H.K., Schlosser, W.D., Golden, N.J., Marks, H.M., Coleman, M.E., Hogue A.T., Ebel, E.D., Quiring, N.M., Kadry, A.R. and J. Kause. 2006. Overview and summary of the Food Safety and Inspection Service risk assessment for Salmonella enteritidis in shell eggs. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease. 3(4):403-412.

Latimer HK, Marks HM, Coleman ME, Schlosser WD, Golden NJ, Ebel ED, Kause J, and Schroeder CM. 2006. Evaluating the effectiveness of pasteurization for reducing human illnesses from Salmonella spp. in egg products: results of a quantitative risk assessment. Foodborne Pathog Dis. 5(1):59-68


Durso, L.M., Reynolds, K., Bauer, N. Jr., and J.E. Keen. 2005. Shiga-toxigenic Escherichia coli O157:H7 infections among livestock exhibitors and visitors at a Texas County Fair. Vector Borne Zoonotic Disease. 5(2):193-201.

Heaton, M.P., Keen, J.E., Clawson, M.L., Harhay, G.P., Bauer, N., Shultz, C., Green, B.T., Durso, L., Chitko-McKown, C.G., and W.W. Laegreid. 2005. Use of bovine single nucleotide polymorphism markers to verify sample tracking in beef processing. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 226(8):1311-4.

Schroeder CM, Naugle AL, Schlosser WD, Hogue AT, Angulo FJ, Rose JS, Ebel ED, Disney WT, Holt KG, and Goldman DP. Estimate of illnesses from Salmonella enteritidis in eggs, United States, 2000. 2005. Emerg Infect Dis. 11(1):113-5.


Coleman, M.E., Marks, H.M., Golden, N.J., and H.K. Latimer. 2004. Discerning strain effects in microbial dose-response data. Journal of Toxicological Environmental Health A.;67:667-685.

Powell, M., Schlosser, W,. and E. Ebel. 2004. Considering the complexity of microbial community dynamics in food safety risk assessment. International Journal of Food Microbiology 90(2):171- 179.


Disney, W.T., and M. A. Peters. 2000. Simulation modeling to derive the value-of-information for risky animal disease-import decisions. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 61(3):171-184.

Schoenbaum, M.A., and W.T. Disney. 2003. Modeling alternative mitigation strategies for a hypothetical outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in the United States. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 58:25-52


Anderson, W., Ebel, E., Fazil, A., Kasuga, F., Kelly, L., Lammerding, A., Morales, R., Schlosser, W., Snary, E., Vicari, A., and S. Yamamoto. 2002. Risk assessments of Salmonella in eggs and broiler chickens, Microbiological Risk Assessment Series. World Health Organization and Food Agricultural Organization of the United Nations.

Hope, B.K., Baker, R.A., Ebel, E.D., Hogue, A.T., Schlosser, W.D., Whiting, R., McDowell, R.M., and R.A Morales. 2002. An overview of the Salmonella Enteritidis risk assessment for shell eggs and egg products. Risk Analysis. 22(2): 203-218.

Hulebak, K.L., and W. Schlosser. 2002. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) History and conceptual overview. Risk Analysis, 22(3):547-552.


Powell M., Ebel, E., Hogue, A., and W. Schlosser. 2001. The promise and challenge of food safety performance standards. Dairy, Food & Environmental Sanitation. 21:582-590.

Powell M; Ebel E; and W. Schlosser. 2001. Considering uncertainty in comparing the burden of illness due to foodborne microbial pathogens. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 69:209-215.

Schlosser, W.D., and E. Ebel. 2001 Use of a Markov-chain Monte Carlo model to evaluate the time value of historical testing information in animal populations. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 48:167-175.


Ebel. E., and W. Schlosser. 2000. Estimating the annual fraction of eggs contaminated with Salmonella Enteritidis in the United States. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 61:51-62.

Powell, M.R., Ebel, E.D., Schlosser, W., Walderhaug, M., and J. Kause. 2000. Dose-response envelope for Escherichia coli O157:H7. Quantitative Microbiology 2:141-163.

Schlosser, W., Hogue, A., Ebel, E., Rose, B., Umholtz, R., Ferris, K., and W. James. 2000. Analysis of Salmonella serotypes from selected carcasses and raw ground products sampled prior to implementation of the Pathogen Reduction; Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Final Rule in the US. International Journal of Food Microbiology 58:107-111.

Stevenson TH, Bauer N, Lucia LM, Acuff GR. Attempts to isolate Helicobacter from cattle and survival of Helicobacter pylori in beef products. J Food Prot. 2000 Feb;63(2):174-8.

Whiting, R.C., Hogue, A., Schlosser, W.D., Ebel, E.D., Morales, R.A., Baker, A., R.M. McDowell. 2000. A quantitative process model for Salmonella Enteritidis in shell eggs. Journal of Food Science. 65:864-869.


Akkina, J.E., Hogue, A.T., Angulo, F.J., Johnson, R., Petersen, K.E., Saini P.K., Fedorka-Cray, P.J., and W.D. Schlosser. 1999. Epidemiologic aspects, control, and importance of multiple-drug resistant Salmonella Typhimurium DT104 in the United States. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 214(6):790-799.


Hogue A.T., Ebel, E.D., Thomas, L.E., Schlosser, W. Bufano, N., and K. Ferris. 1997. Surveys of Salmonella Enteritidis in unpasteurized liquid egg and spent hens at slaughter. Journal of Food Protection, 60(10):1194-1200.

Hogue A. White P. Guard-Petter J. Schlosser W. Gast R. Ebel E. Farrar J. Gomez T. Madden J. Madison M. McNamara A.M., Morales R., Parham D., Sparling P., Sutherland W., and D. Swerdlow. 1997. Epidemiology and control of Salmonella Enteritidis in the United States of America. Rev. Sci. Pech. Off. Int. Epiz., 16(2). 542-53

White, P.L., Schlosser, W., Benson, C.E., Maddox, C., and A. Hogue. 1997. Environmental survey by manure drag sampling for Salmonella Enteritidis in chicken layer houses. Journal of Food Protection 60(10):1189-1193.


Garland, T., Bauer, N., and M. Bailey Jr. 1996. Brain emboli in the lungs of cattle after stunning. Lancet. 348:610.

Last Modified: August 21, 2012



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