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Antarctic Journal of the United States

Name Email Phone Room
Winifred Reuning wreuning@nsf.gov (703) 292-8033 755 S

Antarctic Journal of the United States, established in 1966, reported on U.S. activities in Antarctica, related activities elsewhere, and trends in the U.S. Antarctic Program. The Office of Polar Programs (National Science Foundation, Room 755, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia 22230; telephone 703-292-8033) published and distributed but in 2002 decided to discontinue publication.

The decision to end it drew, perhaps ironically, from the success of antarctic science. NSF-funded antarctic research entered the mainstream, minimizing the need for a special vehicle to insure its reception in the broader community. And the Antarctic Journal was not peer reviewed; NSF's requests for contributions competed for time that researchers might have used to prepare papers for the refereed journals, where the work receives fullest consideration.

The following issues are available on-line:

Year Volume and Issue Number
2005 Final Issue of the Antarctic Journal of the United States (Volume 33)
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1999 1997 Review Issue (Volume 32, number 5) NSF 98-106
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1998 1996 Review Issue (Volume 31, number 2) NSF 98-28
Volume 33, number 2 NSF 98-83
Volume 33, number 1 NSF 98-58
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1997 Volume 32, number 4 NSF 98-50
Volume 32, number 3 NSF 98-41
Volume 32, number 2 NSF 98-24
Volume 32, number 1 NSF 97-160
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1996 Volume 31, number 1 (PDF format) NSF 96-121
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1995 1995 Review Issue (Volume 30, number 5) (PDF format)
NSF 96-133 (Under construction)
Volume 30, number 1-4 (PDF format) NSF 96-120
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1994 1994 Review Issue (Volume 29, number 5) NSF 95-72
Volume 29, number 4 NSF 95-97
Volume 29, number 3
Volume 29, number 2 (Under construction)
Volume 29, number 1 (Under construction)
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1993 Volume 28, number 4 (Under construction)
Volume 28, number 3 (Under construction)

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Last Updated

February 2005


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