About Us

The Afghanistan Investment and Reconstruction Task Force (Task Force) of the U.S. Department of Commerce works closely with other Commerce offices, the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, other U.S. government agencies, Afghan government agencies, and international organizations to coordinate activities in support of Afghan economic development.

The Task Force works with these organizations and U.S. and Afghan business interests to develop the private sector through the improvement of a market conducive to trade, investment and private sector growth. The AIRTF is helping Afghanistan develop industry sectors where it has a comparative advantage – Rugs, Agribusiness: Dried Fruits/Nuts, and Mining. U.S.-Afghan commercial relations are also enhanced through the work of AIRTF and the partner organizations. Susan Hamrock Mann is the Director of the Afghanistan Investment and Reconstruction Task Force.

For business counseling on opportunities in Afghanistan, please call (202) 482-1812 or 1-800-USA-TRAD(E) and press 2, or e-mail questions to AfghanInfo@trade.gov.

For information on the Afghan Rug, Textiles, and Handicrafts Sectors, please contact Daniel Miller at (202) 482-2176 or at Daniel.Miller@trade.gov.

For information on the Agribusiness: Dried Fruits and Nuts Sector, please contact Daniel Miller at (202) 482-2176 or at Daniel.Miller@trade.gov.

For Information on the Finance or Construction Sector, please contact Linda Le at (202) 482-4976 or at Linda.Le@trade.gov.

U.S. companies interested in occasional information about business opportunities, events, and tenders in Afghanistan can sign up to receive AfghanAlerts from our office.

For press inquiries, please call the Office of Public Affairs, International Trade Administration, at (202) 482-3809.

Last Updated: 3/14/12 3:03 PM