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Strategic Shifts

FBI Strategic Shifts

Strategy shift graphic.jpg

FBI Strategic Shifts (pdf)

The FBI Strategic Shifts describe the strategic changes the Bureau needs to make in order to achieve its vision. The graphic’s left column (gray) indicates where the Bureau was or is presently. The graphic ‘s middle column indicates the 13 areas of emphasis. The graphic’s right column (blue) indicates where the Bureau wants to be in three to five years.

Mission: from law enforcement to national security and law enforcement;

Focus: from case-driven to intelligence-driven, threat-focused;

Measurement of Success: from activity-based to impact-based;

Information Sharing: from “share; and restrict what you must” to timely, secure, and relevant sharing;

Intelligence Community: from partner to domestic leader;

Scope: from global presence to global impact;

Leadership: from tactical to strategy drives tactics;

Internal & External Communications: from unfocused and uncoordinated to focused and coordinated;

Organization: from program-focused to integrated teams;

Human Capital: from process-focused to workforce development focus;

Workforce Culture: from value based on role to value based on contribution;

Information Technology: from disparate IT systems to integrated IT solutions;

Resource Management: from budget drives strategy to strategy drives resources.


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