Levin to Republican Leader: Don't Shut Down Government

Apr 8, 2011 Issues: Government Oversight


(Washington D.C.)- U.S. Rep. Sander Levin (D-MI) today is urging Republican House Speaker John Boehner not to shut down the government, but to come to an agreement before tonight’s midnight deadline. In a letter he is co-signing with other House Democrats to the Republican leader, Rep. Levin notes the adverse economic impact that would result from a shutdown, which would come just as families are recovering from the deep recession.

The letter:

Dear Speaker Boehner:

Congress’s number one priority should be to create jobs and grow the economy; a government shutdown would adversely affect both of these goals. Your party gained the House majority promising to listen to the American people more closely.

While the American people have made clear they expect us to cut spending, they also do not want a government shutdown that would hurt the economy, nor do they want the government to shut down over divisive social issues that have little if anything to do with our deficit.

Democrats agree we must address the deficit, and that is why in negotiations we have met Republican proposals for spending cuts more than halfway. We believe that we should be able to come to a final agreement for the year before federal government funding ends at midnight tonight. However, if that is not possible, Congress should pass a continuing resolution free of divisive social policy to keep the government open for the American people.

If no agreement has been reached by the end of today, we will work with you to pass a bill that could become law, in the interest of our economy and of all of the American people. As you have said, “the House works best when it is allowed to work its will.” We ask you to live up to those words and bring such a bill to the floor for a vote today.
