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Develops, conducts, and manages Air Force survival, evasion, resistance, and escape (SERE) programs.



Duties And Responsibilities

Duties And Responsibilities
Duties And Responsibilities
Plans, organizes, directs, and conducts SERE training activities. Designs and develops curriculum, functional structure, and procedures for SERE CoCT and CoCCT courses and programs. Determines training schedules according to course control documents, directives, policies, and instructional principles. Ensures student safety. Conducts classroom, laboratory, and operational training. Uses lecture, demonstration and performance, guided discussion, and time and circumstance instructional methodology. Conducts training under conditions closely approximating actual SERE episodes. Training environments and scenarios include, but are not limited to, global environmental conditions, combat situations, and the full spectrum of captivity environments. Develops SERE joint tactics, techniques, and procedures (JTTP). Supports operational tasking for theater and Joint Forces Commanders. Functions as in-theater SERE and PR subject matter expert (SME). Manages development and coordination of SERE and CSAR and PR operational support programs. Manages SERE programs including isolated personnel reports, evasion plans of action, blood chits, evasion charts, and PR aids. Augments Joint Personnel Recovery Center (JPRC) and Personnel Recovery Coordination Cell (PRCC) as SERE and PR SME. Assists in developing theater PR CONOPS and recommends changes. Instructs and performs static line, military free fall, and emergency parachuting techniques. Conducts test parachuting operations including SERE related survival and aircrew flight equipment, personnel parachutes, and aircraft jump platform certification. Demonstrates emergency parachute procedures for SERE CoCT and CoCCT students. Coordinates SERE activities to support CSAR related exercises. Performs observer and controller duties for high-risk-of-isolation personnel to ensure safety of exercise participants, ensure appropriate learning outcomes for CSAR forces and exercise participants, and document lessons learned from exercise events. Inspects and evaluates SERE training and CSAR and PR operational support activities. Evaluates SERE CoCT and CoCCT courses and programs. Determines readiness and efficacy of equipment, supplies, and training aids. Ensures standardization and compliance with policies, directives, course control documents, ORM procedures, operational guidance, and instructional methodology.


Specialty Qualifications

Specialty Qualifications
Specialty Qualifications
Knowledge. Knowledge is mandatory of: The Code of Conduct; global SERE and CSAR/PR principles and JTTP; procedures for CoCT and MAJCOM CoCCT requirements; procedures for CSAR/PR program management; JPRC and RCC roles and missions; intentional and emergency parachuting procedures; providing for personal protection and sustenance; communication and signaling techniques; methods of vectoring recovery assets; evasion movement; nuclear, chemical, and biological survival skills; physiology and psychology of survival; avoidance of hazardous terrain, rough land travel and emergency evacuation procedures for injured personnel; survival medicine; wilderness advanced first aid certification; land and water navigation and travel; proper conduct when dealing with special operations recovery teams and non conventional assisted recovery mechanisms; caring for and using post-egress, recovery, and life support survival equipment; improvising and manufacturing clothing and equipment needed by an isolated person; courseware development; lecture, demonstration and performance, guided discussion, time and circumstance, and role-play instructional methods and techniques; impact of Geneva Conventions on evaders, POWs and escapees; conduct after capture concepts for war, governmental detention, and hostage environments including, but not limited to, resistance to exploitation, organization and communication, maintenance of psychological and physical health, and escape.

Education. Completion of high school with eleventh-grade reading level required.

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