What We Do

The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board works to ensure adequate safety measures are taken at all DOE Defense Nuclear Facilities for workers at these DOE sites and members of the public who may be affected by being located in close proximity to sites that contain hazardous nuclear materials.

Click through to learn more about our Agency through our Mission Statement, Strategic Goals, Stategic Plan, our Budget and Safety Awards.


Click here to learn about how we view and carry out our safety oversight mission

Strategic Goals

Learn about our goals to turn DOE Defense Nuclear Facilities into safe, modern first-class facilities for nuclear waste storage and research.

Strategic Plan

Click here to read where we see our strategy moving in the coming years.

Operating Practices and Procedures

Click here to read how the Board members conduct business and execute their health and safety oversight responsibilities

Congressional Budget Requests

See what our operating budget is and how we use your tax dollars to accomplish our Strategic Goals.

Victor Stello, Jr. Award for Safety Leadership

Click here to learn about our primary safety award that we give to notable DOE personnel who exemplify our goals for safety at Defense Nuclear Facilities.