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Business and Trade

U.S. Embassy Kampala Economic and Commercial Services

The Economic and Commercial Section at the U.S. Mission in Kampala aims to promote American trade and investment interests, encourage U.S. exports, and level the playing field for all businesses by advocating for open markets, free trade, and predictability and transparency in the regulatory environment.  For a fee, the section will also conduct partner searches, perform company profiles and carry out other services upon request by U.S. firms.  The Embassy is eager to assist Ugandan businesses and individuals seeking to identify U.S. suppliers of goods and services and works to help Ugandan firms take advantage of the duty free preferences available through the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). 

Please also visit the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Uganda Page

Below are a range of other useful economic and commercial resources:

Commercial Guides:  U.S. firms trading or investing in Uganda are highly encouraged to read "Doing Business in Uganda: A Country Commercial Guide for U.S. Companies," (PDF 744 KB) prior to undertaking any business venture in the country. Updated annually, the guide provides a comprehensive overview of doing business in Uganda, and includes a wide range of information on the Ugandan investment climate, sectors of opportunity, regulatory developments, and statistics on Ugandan trade, investment and the economy.  Investors will also find the U.S. Mission's Investment Climate Statement for Uganda (PDF 206 KB) a useful guide when making decisions during or prior to investing in the country.

In addition, small- and medium-size (SME) company investors and traders in Uganda are also encouraged to review "Investing in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Uganda," the first in a series of guides on SME finance in Uganda. The guide is now available online.

American Chamber of Commerce in Uganda:  The U.S. business community in Uganda established an American Chamber of Commerce on December 2, 2008, and is now accepting applications. For more information please visit the American Chamber of Commerce website or this link for membership application.:

Matchmaking and Other Trading Services: The United States Department of State and ZANA Network have also partnered together to form a Trade Capacity Building Pilot Project to provide businesses of Uganda with the resources, services and support needed to do business in the United States. For more information, please click on the following links: Zana Network Welcome Brochure (PDF 238 KB) and Uganda-Zana Network Guide (PDF 2.9 MB).

U.S. Government Agencies: The U.S. Government provides a range of commercial services for businesses operating in Africa.  These services include the provision of financing and loan guarantees through Ex-Im Bank, investment financing to U.S. businesses through the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, and other private sector assistance via the United States Agency for International Development.

Other Internet Information Resources:

Small Grants to Ugandan Businesses: The U.S. Mission has a small amount of funding available for qualified Ugandan businesses. More information is available from the Small Grants page.

Doing Business with USAID: USAID conducts competition for contracts, grants and cooperative agreements to find the most qualified implementing partners for USAID/Uganda's development assistance programs at the best value to the US Government. An implementing partner can be a U.S. or local non-governmental organization (NGO), commercial organization, an individual, or a public international organization.  We are committed to building sustainable Ugandan local capacity by implementing our programs wherever possible through Ugandan NGOs and private sector and with the Government of Uganda.  Our programs are guided by our strategies which support the Government of Uganda to achieve a number of joint objectives.  Please find our major strategic documents below.  For more information about upcoming acquisition and assistance opportunities, please visit the fedbizopps website for acquisition opportunities and the grants site for assistance opportunities.

Contact Us: For more information about the Embassy's Economic and Commercial Information Resources, please contact:

Economic and Commercial Officer
U.S. Embassy - Plot 1577 Ggaba Road
Tel : +256 414 259-791 / 259-792 / 259-793
Fax: +256 414 259-794

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