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Hot Research Topics at BARC

A collection of articles from Agricultural Research magazine featuring research conducted at the Henry A. Wallace Beltsville Agricultural Research Center.

Agricultural Research is the U.S. Department of Agriculture's science magazine, published monthly by the Agricultural Research Service and also available electronically.

Agricultural Research Service Information Staff's Image Gallery - a complimentary source of high quality digital photographs

Sorted by year
Home | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006

Sorted by Subject
Animal Health | Bioenergy | Chesapeake Bay | Climate Change | Crop Diversity
Food Safety | Genomics | Historical Perspective | Honey Bees | Insect Pests | Nutrition
Sustainable Farming | Systematics & Collections Water Quality

Animal Health
Strategies That Work: Alternatives to Antibiotics in Animal Health
The Poultry Pantry: Plums, Probiotics, Safflower, and Tea
A Family Tree for Toxoplasm
Why Are Chickens Getting Too Fat 
Assessing Biofuels Sustainability: Economic and Biophysical Models Aid the Process
"Power PLants" Prevail at the National Arboretum
Chesapeake Bay
Federal Forests Still Protecting Chesapeake Bay After 100 Years
At ARS, the Atmosphere Is Right for Air Emissions Studies
ARS Chesapeake Bay Research Intensifies
Forested Wetlands in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
Chesapeake Bay Cleanup Revs Up
CEAP Choptank River Watershed Project
Climate Change
As CO2 Levels Rise, Plants and Humans Respond
Real-Life Time Tunnel Looks 50 Years Ahead
Extreme Weather Boosts Antioxidant Levels in Soybean Seeds
Crop Diversity
The Delightful Domesticated American Blueberry: Some Research Challenges For Its Next 100 Years
Help for the Common Bean: Genetic Solutions for Legume Problems
Conserving Crop Diversity and a Way of Life in Ecuador
Gender Evolution in Strawberries, The Doorway to Enhanced Productivity
A Multifaceted Focus on Farms and Food
Food Safety/Security
ARS Scientists Study the Ins and Outs of E. coli
Safe Leafy Greens: Before & After Bagging
Bacteriophages as Novel Antimicrobials for Food Safety
Organic vs. Conventional Production: Measuring Microbes on Fresh Produce
Machine’s Eye View of Poultry and Produce
Assessing the Risk, Retail Meat Analyzed
Advances in Protection Against Listeria
Our scientists respond to international agricultural problems that affect the United States
Using Genetics To Build a Better Tomato
Breeding and Genetic Change in the Holstein Genome
Cream of the Crop: Breeding Dairy Cattle
Healthy Chickens
Mapping Blueberry Genes
Genotyping for Tomato Quality
Mapping Berry Fruit Genes
Marking Genes for Better Beans
Genetic Evaluations Help Breed Better Bossies
Honey Bee Genetics Vital in Disease Resistance
Uncorking Genetic Bottlenecks in Soy
Increasing Disease Resistance in Common Beans
In the Battle of the Bulge, Lifestyle Can’t Be Overlooked
Historical Perspective
Forum—At BARC, We’ve Only Just Begun
Celebrating 100 Years of Beltsville Agricultural Research
150 Years of Making History: USDA's 150th Anniversary May 15, 2012
ARS Experts as Firefighters: Our scientists respond to international agricultural problems that affect the United States
Honey Bees
Colony Collapse Disorder: A Complex Buzz
Improving Honey Bee Health: Coordinated Areawide Program Is Under Way
Insect Pests
Barcoding Insects To Control Them
Innovative Ways To Fight Insect Pests
Getting Closer to Better Biocontrol for Garden Pests
Combating the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, A New Threat for Agriculture, a Nuisance for Homeowners
Working After Hours, A Nighttime View of Insect Predation
Market Lighting Affects Nutrients
Diabetes: Nutrition Research Tackles Widespread Disease, Extracts Hold Potential
Caffeine-Containing Botanicals in Dietary Supplements
New Values for Vitamin D in Foods
Database of Isoflavones in Foods Updated
Data That Works for Your Diet
Weighing in on Fats
New Cranberry Hybrid High in Antioxidants
Understanding Beta-Carotene Better
Better Living Through In-Depth Food Analysis
Plant Compounds Inhibit Blood Clotting
Monitoring Best Practices for Food Analysis
Monitoring Food-Supply Nutrients
Monitoring the U.S. Population’s Diet
Nutrient Data in Time for the New Year
Digital Detectives Decipher Ingredients
Sustainable Farming
Algae, A Mean, Green Cleaning Machine
Rolling Rye; Guidelines Help Determine When’s Best
Spying on Crop Residue
Hairy Vetch Boosts Tomato Phytonutrients
New Vetch for Northern Climes and Organic Growers
No Shortcuts in Checking Soil Health
Socking It to Strawberry Root Rot
Tough Trees Finding smart plantings for urban spaces
Systematics & Collections
Plant Germplasm, Preserving Diversity, Insuring Our Future
Marvelous Microbe Collections Accelerate Discoveries To Protect People, Plants—and More!
Archiving Parasites and Protozoa for Research, Diagnoses, and More
Our Invaluable Invertebrate Collections
Water Quality
A New Way To Map Drought and Water Use Worldwide
E. coli: Alive and Well, Probably in a Streambed Near You

Agricultural Research is the U.S. Department of Agriculture's science magazine, published monthly by the Agricultural Research Service and also available electronically.

Agricultural Research Service Information Staff's Image Gallery - a complimentary source of high quality digital photographs.

Last Modified: 06/13/2012
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