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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: Slide Presentation (Full Set)

For the Patient Willing To Quit (Continued)

Strategy A4. Assist—Aid the patient in quitting (provide counseling and medication) (Continued)

Text Description is below the image.

Provide practical counseling (problem-solving/skills training).

Abstinence. Striving for total abstinence is essential. Not even a single puff after the quit date.

Past quit experience. Identify what helped and what hurt in previous quit attempts. Build on past success.

Anticipate triggers or challenges in upcoming attempt. Discuss challenges/triggers and how patient will successfully overcome them (e.g., avoid triggers, alter routines).

Alcohol. Since alcohol is associated with relapse, the patient should consider limiting/abstaining from alcohol while quitting. (Note that reducing alcohol intake could precipitate withdrawal in alcohol dependent persons.)

Other smokers in the household. Quitting is more difficult when there is another smoker in the household. Patients should encourage housemates to quit with them or not smoke in their presence.

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