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E-Waste Task Force

Disposal of Federal Electronic Assets
GSA issued Bulletin B-34, Disposal of Federal Electronic Assets, as guidance for the responsible disposal of Federal Electronic Assets (FEA).

GSA, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the White House Council on Environmental Quality co-chaired an interagency task force that  prepared a National Strategy for Electronics Stewardship (PDF). By implementing the recommendations presented in this strategy, the federal government will lay the groundwork for improving the design of electronic products and enhancing America’s management of used or discarded electronics.

The new strategy creates a roadmap of how the federal government can act responsibly when disposing of electronics. Through this strategy, we can help protect human health and the environment from harmful effects associated with the unsafe handling and disposal of computers, cell phones, music devices and other electronic products. The strategy provides an innovative, flexible, and pragmatic approach to the way the federal government  manages electronics, while promoting new sustainable products and technologies.

A set of benchmarks (PDF) identify action items and projects associated with the strategy, as well as agencies responsible for meeting goals and target dates for completing the work.


E-Waste Task Force