Agency Priority Goals

Voters arrive at a polling center in Carrefour on March 20, 2011, in the second round of the presidential elections.
Voters arrive at a polling center in Carrefour, Haiti on March 20, 2011 to vote in presidential election.
Kendra Helmer/USAID

With the implementation of the Government Performance and Results Modernization Act of 2010, USAID and the Department of State have developed FY 2013 Agency Priority Goals (formally known as High Priority Performance Goals) which were submitted along with the President's Budget in February 2012. Six joint USAID/Department of State Agency Priority Goals, one USAID only and one State only APG have been identified for FY 2013. These goals highlight USAID and the Department of State priorities and provide narrowly focused illustrations of these priorities to achieve measurable results.

The FY 2013 Agency Priority Goals are now published on and accessible to the public.

Last updated: June 15, 2012
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