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Does email need to be accessible (508 compliant)?

Yes, all email --internal or external -- and their attachments, graphics and/or audio and video must be accessible to recipients with disabilities. Broadcast email must meet this standard by compliance with the applicable Section 508 standards and may not substitute individual accommodations for Section 508 compliance.

Broadcast email (for the purposes of this discussion) are:

  1. Email sent by a Federal Official (FTE, non-FTE, SES, Appointee, Commission member, or person acting on their behalf) to any group or list comprised of persons, some of whom are not personally known to the sender, or
  2. Email sent as final documents, intended for distribution to other Federal Officials or to members of the public seeking information and services.

Email to known persons without disabilities or working draft dissemination should meet Section 508 standards as much as practicable. Alternative or accessible formats must be made available upon request.

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Last Reviewed: 06/30/2011

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