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03/02/12 Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Held for New Mobile Workspace>

02/28/12 PBS Participates in City of Fort Worth Sustainable Energy Roundtable>

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GSA Training Conference & Expo 20112

As GSA's signature training conference and exposition, this event is specially designed to benefit federal, state and local government employees and military members who make or influence procurement decisions.

May 15 - 17, 2012

Learn More and Register Now!

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Greater Southwest Works with Customer Agencies to Provide Efficient Ports Along the Southern Border

The Greater Southwest Region covers almost 70% of the Southern Border with almost 32 ports of entry. These ports help customer agencies to complete their mission while providing more efficiency for the general public.

Greater Southwest Using ESPC for Energy Efficiency

The Greater Southwest Region is investing $68 million in our buildings with Energy Savings Performance Contracts regionwide.

GSA Telepresence

Telepresence provides federal agencies an immersive, true-to-life virtual meeting experience, including life-sized displays, high-definition video, and directional audio. Use telepresence to conserve time, money, and the environment by cutting down on carbon emissions.

GSA Training Conference and Expo 2012

The GSA Training Conference and Expo 2012 will take place May 15-17, at the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas.

Sylvia Hernandez, Acting Regional Administrator
Sylvia Hernandez

Welcome to the Greater Southwest Region of the U.S. General Services Administration where we are committed to providing the best value to the American taxpayer. Our mission is to use our expertise to provide innovative solutions for our customers in support of their missions and by doing so, foster an effective, sustainable and transparent government for the American people.

The Greater Southwest Region supports customers in Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico. As the business arm of government, we serve as a conduit for billions of dollars in goods and services, workspaces, and business solutions that help federal agencies meet their missions to serve the American people.

We are pleased that you are visiting our site. We encourage you to learn more about what GSA is and what we have to offer. We look forward to working with you.

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GSA, General Service Administration, General Schedules Administration, General Services Agency, General Service Agency, Government Services Administration, Government Service Administration, Government Supplies Agency, Government Supplies Administration, FSS, PBS, FTS, OGP, FAS