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News Release

December 7, 2009

Contact: HHS Press Office
(202) 690-6343

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Ad Council Launch New Nationwide PSA Campaign Urging Vaccination against the H1N1 Flu Virus

HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced today that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is joining with the Ad Council to launch a new nationwide public service advertising (PSA) campaign called “Together We Can All Fight the Flu.”  The campaign features television, radio, online banner, and outdoor public service advertisements that encourage Americans to get vaccinated against the 2009 H1N1 flu virus.                                                 

“Getting vaccinated is the best way to protect yourself and your family against the H1N1 flu virus,” said Secretary Sebelius.  “Fighting the flu is a shared responsibility, and it is up to all of us to help prevent the spread of the flu in your community.  Right now, Americans have a window of opportunity to get vaccinated.  These new PSAs will encourage pregnant women, children, young adults, and other priority groups to protect themselves by getting the H1N1 vaccine.”

Created pro bono by ad agency Merkley + Partners in New York City, the new PSA campaign is designed specifically to reach children, parents, pregnant women, young adults, people with underlying conditions, and Spanish-speakers. The campaign builds on an HHS PSA campaign that was launched earlier this year to promote ways to protect against the flu.

“All across the country, Americans are working together to prevent the spread of the H1N1 flu,” said Peggy Conlon, president and CEO of the Ad Council. “We are proud to continue our efforts with Secretary Sebelius and HHS to educate Americans about the vaccine and how to protect themselves this flu season.”

The new PSAs are available at  the government’s one-stop Web site for all the latest information on both seasonal and H1N1 flu.  The Ad Council is distributing the following radio and television PSAs today and the ads will be supported in airtime donated by stations nationwide:


There are five new television PSA spots available:

  • “Anthem” focuses on the importance of pregnant women, children, young adults, and other priority groups getting the H1N1 flu vaccine.  It is 30 seconds long.
  • “Parents” focuses on parents of young children and is available in 3 formats: a 25-second format in English with 5 seconds for states to add a customized message; a 30 second version in Spanish and English; and a 10 second version in English.
  • “Pregnant Women” focuses on the importance of pregnant women getting the H1N1 vaccine.  A 30 second version is available in both Spanish and English. A 10 second English version is also available.
  • “Beat Poetry” focuses on why the H1N1 vaccine is critical for young people. It is 30 seconds long.
  • “Young Adults” encourages young people to get vaccinated.  It is available in 30 second and 10 second formats.


There are three new 30-second radio spots available:

  • “Fight the Flu – Parents.” Available in English and Spanish in 30 second and 60 second formats.
  • “Fight the Flu – Pregnant Women.” Available in English and Spanish in 30 second and 60 second formats.
  • “Fight the Flu – Young People.” Available in 30 second and 60 second formats.

Children, young adults under 25, pregnant women and adults 25-64 with underlying health conditions, like asthma, are more susceptible to falling ill to the H1N1 flu and are at higher risk for serious medical complications, including hospitalization and death. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that between April and October 17, 2009, 22 million people were infected with the 2009 H1N1 flu, 98,000 H1N1-related hospitalizations occurred, and there were 3,900 H1N1-related deaths.

The Ad Council has been partnering with HHS to develop PSA campaigns that address critical health issues since the 1950s. Their successful collaborations have included public service messages about the polio epidemic, drug abuse and, more recently, obesity prevention.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services ( is the United States government's principal agency for protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services, especially for those who are least able to help themselves. HHS is leading the medical response for the federal government for the H1N1 flu pandemic.  The department includes more than 300 programs, covering a wide spectrum of activities, including medical and social science research, preventing outbreak of infectious disease, including immunization services, assuring food and drug safety, welfare, and Medicare and Medicaid.

The Advertising Council
The Ad Council ( is a private, non-profit organization that marshals talent from the advertising and communications industries, the facilities of the media, and the resources of the business and non-profit communities to produce, distribute and promote public service campaigns on behalf of non-profit organizations and government agencies in issue areas such as improving the quality of life for children, preventive health, education, community well-being, environmental preservation and strengthening families.


Note: All HHS press releases, fact sheets and other press materials are available at

Last revised: May 7, 2011