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Jewish Resistance — A Working Bibliography


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Adler, Stanislaw. In the Warsaw Ghetto, 1940–1943: An Account of a Witness: The Memoir of Stanislaw Adler. Translated by Sara Chmielewska Philip. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 1982.

Ainsztein, Reuben. Jewish Resistance in Nazi-Occupied Eastern Europe: With a Historical Survey of the Jew as Fighter and Soldier in the Diaspora. New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 1974.

Ainsztein, Reuben. The Warsaw Ghetto Revolt. New York: Holocaust Library, 1979.

Ajzensztadt, Amnon. Endurance: Chronicles of Jewish Resistance. New York: Mosaic Press, 1987.

Ajzensztajn, Betti, and Centralna Zydowska Komisja Historyczna w Polsce. Ruch podziemny w ghettach i obozach: materialy i dokumenty (Underground movements in ghettos and camps: Materials and documents). Warsaw: Main Commission for Jewish History in Poland, 1946.

Akavia, Miriam. Ha-Derekh ha-aheret: sipurah shel kevutsah (The other path: The story of a youth group). Tel Aviv: Yedi’ot aharonot, 1992.

Altusky, Hirsh, ed. Commemoration Journal: Thirty-Eighth Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, 1943–1981. New York: Warsaw Ghetto Resistance Organization, 1981.

Apenszlak, Jacob, ed. The Black Book of Polish Jewry: An Account of the Martyrdom of the Polish Jewry Under the Nazi Occupation. New York, 1943.

Apenszlak, Jacob, and Moshe Polakiewicz. Armed Resistance of the Jews in Poland. New York, 1944.

Arad, Yitzhak. Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka: The Operation Reinhard Death Camps. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987.

Arad, Zvi, Rinah Klinov, and Yehudah Maimon. he-Haluts ha-lochem: Bit’on ha-no`ar ha-Yehudi ha-halutsi be-mahteret Krakov, Ogust-Oktober 1943 (The fighting pioneer: Organ of the Chalutz Underground Movement in occupied Cracow, August-October 1943). Tel Aviv: Ghetto Fighters’ House and The United Kibbutz Movement, 1984.

Avidan, David, ed. ha-Mered be-ya’ ar-ha-yanshufim (The revolt in the Yanshut forest). Adaptation of the Diary of Moshe Bahir. Tel Aviv: Books of the 1930s, 1983.

Avrech, Isaiah, and Bernard Mark, eds. The Scrolls of Auschwitz. Tel Aviv: Am Oved Publishing House, 1985.

Bakalczuk-Felin, Meilech. Zikhroynes fun a yidishn partizan (Memoirs of a Jewish Partisan). Buenos Aires: Central Association of Polish Jews in Argentina, 1958.

Barkai, Meyer, ed. The Fighting Ghettos. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1962.

Baum, Bruno. Widerstand in Auschwitz. Berlin: Kongress-Verlag, 1957.

Bauminger, Arieh L. The Fighters of the Cracow Ghetto. Jerusalem: A.L. Bauminger, 1986.

Becker, Evelyn. Teacher’s Guide for Documentary Filmstrip on the Warsaw Ghetto: Holocaust and Resistance. New York: Jewish Labor Committee, 1979.

Berger, Ronald J. Constructing a Collective Memory of the Holocaust: A Life History of Two Brothers’ Survival. Niwot: University Press of Colorado, 1995.

Blady-Szwajger, Adina. I Remember Nothing More: The Warsaw Children’s Hospital and the Jewish Resistance. New York: Pantheon Books, 1990.

Blatman, Daniel. For Our Freedom and Yours: The Jewish Labour Bund in Poland, 1939–1949. Portland, OR: Vallentine Mitchell, 2003.

Blatman, Daniel. Lema’an herutenu ve-herutkhem: ha-Bund be-Polin, 1939–1949 (For Our freedom and yours: The Bund in Poland, 1939–1949). Jerusalem: Yad Vashem and the Institute for Contemporary Jewry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1996.

Blatt, Thomas Toivi. From the Ashes of Sobibor: A Story of Survival. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1997.

Bornshtain, Belah. ha-Ya’ar hayah beti: Sipurah shel partizanit (The forest was my home: The story of a female partisan). Tel Aviv: Ghetto Fighters’ House and the United Kibbutz Movement, 1998.

Bornstein, Samuel. Pelugat ha-doktor Atlas: Sipuro shel partizen yehudi (The battalion of Dr. Atlas: The story of a Jewish partisan). Tel Aviv: United Kibbutz Movement, 1948.

Borzykowski, Tuvia. Between Tumbling Walls. Tel Aviv: Ghetto Fighters’ House and United Kibbutz Movement, 1976.

Brandes, Aharon, and Chaim Reschef. Zvi Brandes: Meroschej hamachteret hachaluzit besaglembje. Tel Aviv, 1978.

Celemenski, Jacob. Elegy for My People: Memoirs of an Underground Courier of the Jewish labor Bund in Nazi-Occupied Poland, 1939–45. Melbourne: Jacob Celemenski Memorial Trust, 2000.

Cholawski, Shalom. Soldiers From the Ghetto: The First Uprising Against the Nazis. New York: Herzl Press, 1980.

Cohen, Asher, et al., eds. Dapim: Studies on the Shoah. New York: Peter Lang, 1991.

Corbach, Dieter. Daniel, der Mann aus der Löwengrube: Aus dem Leben von Daniel Oswald Rufeisen. Cologne: Scriba, 1993.

Czerniakow, Adam. The Warsaw Diary of Adam Czerniakow: Prelude to Doom. Edited by Raul Hilberg, Stanislaw Staron, and Josef Kermisz. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, published in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 1999.

Donat, Alexander. Jewish Resistance. New York: Warsaw Ghetto Resistance Organization, 1964.

Donat, Alexander. The Holocaust Kingdom: A Memoir. New York: Holocaust Library, 1978.

Draenger, Gusta Davidson. Justyna’s Narrative. Edited by Eli Pfefferkorn and David H. Hirsch. Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press, 1996.

Dribben, Judith Strick. And Some Shall Live. Jerusalem: Keter Books, 1969.

Edelman, Marek. Das Ghetto kämpft. Berlin, 1993.

Ehrenberg, Ilia, and Vasili Grossman, eds. The Black Book: The Ruthless Murder of Jews by German-Fascist Invaders Throughout the Temporarily-Occupied Regions of the Soviet Union and in the Death Camps of Poland During the War of 1941–1945. New York: Holocaust Library, 1981.

Faber, David, and James D. Kitchen. Because of Romek: A Holocaust Survivor’s Memoir. El Cajon, CA: Granite Hills Press, 1997.

Friedman, Philip, ed. Martyrs and Fighters: The Epic of the Warsaw Ghetto. New York: F. A. Praeger, 1954.

Garlinski, Józef. Fighting Auschwitz: The Resistance Movement in the Concentration Camp. Greenwich, CT: Fawcett Publications, 1975.

Garlinski, Józef. The Survival of Love: Memoirs of a Resistance Officer. Cambridge: Basil Blackwell, 1991.

Gefen, M., ed. Sefer hapartisanim hajehudim. Jerusalem 1958. 2 vols.

Gelman, Charles. Do Not Go Gentle: A Memoir of Jewish Resistance in Poland, 1941–1945. Hamden, CT: Archon Books, 1989.

Goldstein, Bernard. Die Sterne sind Zeugen. Freiburg, 1993 <1950>.

Goldstein, Chaim Itsl. The Bunker. New York: Atheneum, 1973.

Grabitz, Helge, and Wolfgang Scheffler. Der Ghetto-Aufstand Warschau 1943: Aus der Sicht der Täter und Opfer in Aussagen vor deutschen Gerichten. Munich: W. Goldmann, 1993.

Grinberg, Daniel. Holocaust z perspektywy pólwiecza: Piecdziesiata rocznica powstania w gecie warszawskim: Materialy z konferencji zorganizowanej przez Zydowski Instytut Historyczny w dniach 29–31 marca 1993 (The Holocaust from the perspective of a half-century: The fiftieth anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising: Materials from the conference organized by the Jewish Historical Institute on March 29–31, 1993). Warsaw: Jewish Historical Institute, 1993.

Gronowski, Louis. Le dernier grand jour: Un Juif de Pologne. Paris, 1980.

Grosman, Chaikah. Anshe ha-mahteret (The people of the underground). Edited by Mordechai Amitai. Tel Aviv: Moreshet, 1965.

Grosman, Chaikah. The Underground Army Fighters of the Bialystok Ghetto. New York: Holocaust Library, 1987.

Grupinska, Anka. Ciagle po kole: Rozmowy z zolnierzami getta warszawskiego. Warsaw: Wydawn. Ksiazkowe Twój Styl, 2000.

Grupinska, Anka. Po kole: Rozmowy z zydowskimi zolnierzami (After the circle: Conversations with a Jewish soldier). Warsaw: Wydawnictwa “Alfa,” 1991.

Gutfraind, Ya’akov, and Gavriel Rot. Hayav u-fo’olo shel partizan ve-lohem anti Natsi, Ya’akov Gutfraind, zal (The life and operations of an anti-Nazi partisan, Ya’akov Gutfraind). Israel: h. mo. 1., 1992.

Gutman, Israel. Fighters Among the Ruins. Washington DC: B’nai B’rith Books, 1988.

Gutman, Israel. The Jews of Warsaw, 1939–1943: Ghetto, Underground, Revolt. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1982.

Gutman, Israel. Resistance: The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, published in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 1994.

Gutman, Israel, and Shmuel Krakowski. Unequal Victims: Poles and Jews During World War II. New York: Holocaust Library, 1986.

Harshav, Barbara, and Simhah Rotem. Memoirs of a Warsaw Ghetto Fighter: The Past Within Me. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1994.

Jewish Youth Under the Nazi Iron Heel: Grim Suffering and Heroic Struggle. New York: Jewish Socialist Youth Club “Zukunft,” 1942.

Kantorowicz, Nachum. Di yidishe viderstand-bavegung in Poyln betn 2tn velt-krig (1941–1945) (The Jewish resistance movement in Poland during the Second World War). New York: Sharon Books, 1967.

Kaplan, Chaim A. Buch der Agonie: Das Warschauer Tagebuch des Chaim A Kaplan. Frankfurt, 1967.

Kaplan, Chaim A. Scroll of Agony: The Warsaw Diary of Chaim A. Kaplan. Edited by Abraham I. Katsh, ed. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, published in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 1999.

Kast, Jochem, Bernd Siegler, and Peter Zinke. Das Tagebuch der partisanin Justyna Jüdischer Widerstand in Krakau. Berlin: Elefanten Press, 1999.

Katz, Alfred. Poland’s Ghettos at War. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1970.

Kermish, Joseph, ed. To Live with Honor and Die with Honor!: Selected Documents from the Warsaw Ghetto Underground Archives, “O. S.” (“Oneg Shabbath”). Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 1986.

Kermish, Joseph. Der oyfstand in Varshever geto: 19 ter April – 16ter Mai 1943. (The uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto: April 19-May 16, 1943). Buenos Aires: Central Association of Polish Jews in Argentina, 1948.

Kessel, Sim. Hanged at Auschwitz. New York: Stein and Day, 1972, (New York: Cooper Square Press, 2001.)

Korbonski, Stefan. The Jews and the Poles in World War II. New York: Hippocrene Books, 1989.

Krakowski, Shmuel. Lehimah Yehudit be-Polin neged ha-Natsim, 1942–1944. (Jewish combat against the Nazis in Poland). Jerusalem: Yad Vashem and the Workers’ Press, 1977.

Krakowski, Shmuel. The War of the Doomed: Jewish Armed Resistance in Poland, 1942–1944. New York: Holmes and Meier, 1984.

Krall, Hanna. Shielding the Flame: An Intimate Conversation with Dr. Marek Edelman, the Last Surviving Leader of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1986.

Kuperhand, Miriam, and Saul Kuperhand. Shadows of Treblinka. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1998.

Kurzman, Dan. The Bravest Battle: The Twenty-Eight Days of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. New York: Putnam, 1976.

Landau, David J. Caged: A Story of Jewish Resistance. Sydney: Pan Macmillan Australia, 2000.

Landau, Elaine. The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. New York: New Discovery Books, 1992.

Lazar, Chaya. Edut mejemej churban wemered. Tel Aviv, 1978.

Lazar, Chaya. The Jewish Military Organization (Z.Z.W.) in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising: 50 Years to the Uprising. Tel Aviv: Museum of the Combatants and Partisans, 1993.

Lazar, Chaya. Muranowska 7, The Warsaw Ghetto Rising. Tel Aviv: Massada, 1966.

Lubetkin, Zivia. In the Days of Destruction and Revolt. Tel Aviv: Ghetto Fighters’ House and United Kibbutz0 Movement, 1981.

Lubetkin, Zivia. In umkum un oyfshtand (The fall and the uprising). Tel Aviv: Ghetto Fighters’ House and United Kibbutz Movement, 1980.

Mark, Bernard. Dos bukh von gvure (The book of heroism). Lódz: Verlag “Das Neue Leben,” 1947.

Mark, Bernard, ed. Dokumentn un materyaln vegn oyfshtand in Varshever geto (Documents and materials on the uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto). Warsaw: Yidish Bukh, 1953.

Mark, Bernard. The Extermination and the Resistance of the Polish Jews During the Period 1939–1944. Warsaw: Jewish Historical Institute, 1955.

Mark, Bernard, ed. Faschismus Ghetto Massenmord Dokumentation über Ausrottung und Widerstand der Juden in Polen während des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Frankfurt, 1960.

Mark, Bernard. Megile’s Oyshvits (The scroll of Auschwitz). Tel Aviv: Israel Book, 1977.

Mark, Bernard. Der oyfshtand in Bialistoker geto (The uprising in the Bialystok Ghetto). Warsaw: Jewish Historical Institute, 1950.

Mark, Bernard. Uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto. New York: Schocken Books, 1975.

Mark, Esther. Pokolenia. Warsaw, 1964.

Meckl, Markus. Helden und Märtyrer: Der Warschauer Ghettoaufstand in der Erinnerung. Berlin: Metropol, 2000.

Meed, Vladka. On Both Sides of the Wall: Memoirs from the Warsaw Ghetto. New York: Holocaust Library, 1993.

Meirczak, Benjamin. Jewish Soldiers and Officers of the Polish People’s Army Killed and Missing in Action. Tel Aviv, 1994.

Michalczyk, John J., ed. Resisters, Rescuers, and Refugees: Historical and Ethical Issues. Kansas City, MO: Sheed & Ward, 1997.

Nirenstein, Albert. A Tower from the Enemy: Contributions to a History of Jewish Resistance in Poland. New York: Orion Press, 1959.

Novitch, Miriam, ed. Sobibór, Martyrdom and Revolt: Documents and Testimonies. New York: Holocaust Library, 1980.

Noy, Melech (Meilech Neustadt), ed. Hur’ban u-mered shel Yehude Varshah: Sefer ’eduyot ve-azkarot (Destruction and rising: The epic of the Warsaw Jews). Tel Aviv: The Council of Workers of the General Labor Union of the Jewish Workers in the Land of Israel, 1946.

Ogólny Zydowski Zwiazek Robotniczy “Bund” w Polsce. In di yorn fun yidishn hurbn: Di shtim fun untererdishn Bund (In the years of the Jewish catastrophe: The voice of the underground Bund). New York: Unser Zeit, 1948.

Ozarowski, Filip (trans. Jan Peczkis). Wolyn Aflame. Chicago: WICI, 1997.

Peleg, Miriam. Witnesses: Life in Occupied Cracow. London; New York: Routledge, 1991.

Potyralscy, Bozen, and Marek Potyalscy, eds. The Warsaw Ghetto: The 50th Anniversary of the Uprising. (Das warschauer Ghetto: 50 Jahre nach dem Aufstand). Warsaw: Drukarnia Naukowo-Technicznia, 1996.

Putermilkh, Ya’akov. Ba-esh uva-sheleg: Zikhronot shel lohem. Tel Aviv: Ghetto Fighters’ House and United Kibbutz Movement, 1981.

Rashke, Richard. Escape from Sobibor: The Heroic Story of the Jews Who Escaped from a Nazi Death Camp. Boston, 1982.

Ringelblum, Emanuel. Notes from the Warsaw Ghetto: The Journal of Emanuel Ringelblum. Edited and translated by Jacob Stern. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1958.

Ringelblum, Emanuel. Polish-Jewish Relations During the Second World War. Edited by Joseph Kermish and Shmuel Krakowski. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1992.

Rivlin, Gerschon, ed. Mul haojew hanazi. Tel Aviv, 1961–1986. 3 vols.

Ronen, Avihu. Hamachteret hahaluzit besaglembje. (manuscript). Tel Aviv, 1989.

Rotem, Simhah. Memoirs of a Warsaw Ghetto Fighter. New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 2002.

Rotem, Simhah Kazik. Wspomnienia bojowca ZOB. (Combat memoirs of the Jewish fighting organization). Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Naukowo PWN, 1993.

Rubin, Ruth. Warsaw Ghetto Program. New York: Education Department of the Workmen’s Circle, 1967.

Rudavsky, Joseph. To Live With Hope, To Die With Dignity: Spiritual Resistance in the Ghettos and Camps. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson, 1997.

Rufeisen-Schüpper, Hella. Peridah mi-Mila 18: Sipurah shel kasharit (Separation from Mila 18: The story of a courier). Tel Aviv: Ghetto Fighters’ House and United Kibbutz Movement, 1990.

Sarid, Levi Aryeh. Be-mivhan he-anut veha-pedut: ha-Tenuot ha-halutsiyot be-Polin ba-Shoah ule-ahareha, 1939 (During a test of response and redemption: Pioneer movements in Poland during the Holocaust and after). Tel Aviv: Moreshet, 1997.

Schappes, Morris U. Resistance is the Lesson: The Meaning of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. New York: Jewish Life, 1947.

Schneider, Peter, and Marianne Müller. Die Vergangenheit mahnt!: Zum 40: Jahrestag des Aufstandes im Warschauer Ghetto: Eine Tagung der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung vom 27. bis 29. Mai 1983 in Bergneustadt: Dokumentation. Bonn: Die Stiftung, 1983.

Schulman, Faye. A Partisan’s Memoir: Woman of the Holocaust. Toronto: Second Story Press: 1995.

Schwarzbart Issac I. The Story of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising: Its Meaning and Message. New York: World Jewish Congress, 1953.

Silverman, Peter, et al. From Victims to Victors: The Incredible Saga of Armed Resistance Fighters that Thwarted the Nazis’ Goal in the Second World War: The Story of a Small Group of Brave Jews of Jody During the Holocaust. Concord, Ont.: Canadian Society for Yad Vashem, 1992.

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Steiner, Jean-François. Treblinka. New York: New American Library, 1979.

Strauss-Marko, Shlomo. Polishe Yidn in di velder (Polish Jews in the fields). New York: Meridian, 1994.

Strobl, Ingrid. Mir zeynen do: Der Ghettoaufstand und die Partisaninnen von Bialystok (We are here). (film). Cologne, 1992.

Stroop, Jürgen. The Stroop Report: The Jewish Quarter of Warsaw Is No More! Edited by Sybil Milton. New York: Pantheon Books, 1979.

Szmulewski, David, and Noah Gris, eds. Zikhroyne’s fun vidershtand in Oyshvits-Birkenau (Memoirs from the resistance in Auschwitz-Birkenau). Paris: D. Shmulevski, 1984.

Szwaiger, Adina Blady. I Remember Nothing More: The Warsaw Jewish Hospital and the Jewish Resistance. New York: Touchstone, 1990.

Tec, Nechama. In the Lions’ Den: The Life of Oswald Rufeisen. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990.

Temchin, Michael. The Witch Doctor: Memoirs of a Partisan. New York: Holocaust Library, 1983.

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Tenenbaum, Joseph. Underground: The Story of a People. New York: Philosophical Library, 1952.

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Werner, Harold. Fighting Back: A Memoir of Jewish Resistance in World War II. New York: Columbia University Press, 1992.

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Willenberg, Samuel. Surviving Treblinka. Edited by Wladyslaw Bartoszewski. New York-Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1989.

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