PAGER - Data, Products, and References

Products with References


Database/Product Description Use References
PAGER Overview
  1. Wald, D.J. et al (2010, 2008)
  2. Earle, P.S. et al (2009, 2009)

Earthquake Source

Database/Product Description Use References
Fast Finite FaultsRapid (few hours) slip models for major earthquakesConstrain shaking, tsunami generation, stress changes
  1. Hayes, G.P. et al (in prep, 2009)
  2. Hayes, G. P., and D. J. Wald (2009)
  3. Ji, C. et al (2004)
PAGER-CATQuality composite earthquake catalog (1900-2006)Source input for ShakeMap Atlas, ExposureCat
  1. Allen, T. I. et al (2009)

Shaking Distribution

Database/Product Description Use References
Global Slope DataTopographic slopeLandslides, Vs30
  1. Verdin, K. et al (2007)
Global Vs30 ServerVs30 values for the globeEstimating site amplification
  1. Allen, T.I., and D.J. Wald (2009, 2007)
Global "Did You Feel It?" IntensitiesRapid intensities from Internet usersConstrains ShakeMap and event bias
  1. Atkinson, G. M., and D. J. Wald (2007)
  2. Wald, D. J. et al (2006)
  3. Wald, D., and J. Dewey (2005)
ShakeMap UncertaintyQuantitative and qualitative shaking valuesComputing loss uncertainty
  1. Wald, D. J. et al (2008)
ShakeMap AtlasShakeMap's important global earthquakes (1970-present)Scenarios, planning, hazard calculations
  1. Allen, T. I. et al (2009, 2008)
Rapid Global ShakeMaps (GSM)Estimated ShakeMaps for all global earthquakes (M > 5.5)Shaking input for loss estimation, decision making
  1. Wald, D.J. et al (2006)
Landslide HazardSpatial probability of landslidesSecondary loss assessments
  1. Marano, K. D. et al (2009)
  2. Godt, J. et al (2008)
Ground Motion ModelingComparison of ground motion prediction equationsImprovement of ShakeMap
  1. Allen, T.I., and D.J. Wald (2009)

Loss And Impact Estimation

Database/Product Description Use References
EXPO-CATPopulation exposure to intensity for each Atlas ShakeMapFatality rates calculations
  1. Allen, T. I. et al (2009)
Global Building InventoryCountry-based data on buildings and collapse ratesCountry-specific loss estimation
  1. Jaiswal, K. S. et al (2010a)
  2. Jaiswal, K. S., and Wald, D. J. (2008b, 2008a)
  3. Porter, K. et al (2008)
Empirical Fatality ModelCountry-specific fatality ratesFatality estimates given exposure
  1. Jaiswal, K. S., and Wald, D. J. (2010c)
  2. Jaiswal, K. S. et al (2009a)
  3. Porter, K. et al (2008)
Empirical Economic Loss ModelCountry-specific economic loss ratiosEconomic loss estimates given exposure
  1. Jaiswal, K.S. and Wald, D.J. (2011)
Semi-Empirical Loss ModelCountry-specific building vulnerabilityFatality estimates based on structures
  1. Jaiswal, K. S., Wald, D. J. (in prep)
  2. Jaiswal, K.S., Wald, D.J., D’Ayala, D. (2011)
  3. Jaiswal, K. S., and Wald, D. J. (2010b)
Analytical Loss ModelHAZUS vulnerability functionsStructure-dependent loss computations
  1. Porter, K. A. (2009)
Loss Modeling OverviewsOverview(s) of loss modelingGeneration of loss estimates
  1. Jaiswal, K. S. et al (2009b)
  2. Wald, D.J. et al (2009)

Reporting And Notifications

Database/Product Description Use References
OnePAGERPopulation exposure notificationsPost-earthquake decision making
  1. Wald, D.J. et al (2010, 2009)
Alert ProtocolsEarthquake Impact ScaleAlert content and criteria
  1. Wald, D.J. et al (2011, 2009)

Alphabetical Reference List