U.S. Department of Justice

Prisoner Skills and Employment Strategy 2009-2012

Publication year: 2009 | Cataloged on: Sep. 11, 2012

Library ID

  • 026285

Other Information

  • 2009
  • 24 pages

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Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: This is a very well done plan about how the New Zealand Department of Corrections intends to increase the employability of released prisoners while ensuring reduced recidivism. “The strategy implements the Government’s policy to increase prisoner employment and improve literacy and numeracy skills. It promotes and incentivises skill development, increases the provision of training and employment, and expands these opportunities to a wider and more diverse group of prisoners. As a result, prisoners will gain more skills and valuable employment experience … The strategy will mean that more prisoners will come out of prison with marketable skills, will be better able to obtain sustainable employment, and ultimately will be less likely to re-offend” (p. 4). Sections following an executive summary include: background—legislation and international obligations, the labor market, contribution of skill development, what this means for prisoners, the prison environment, Maori participation in education and employment, and minority groups in prison; prisoner skills and employment strategy; skill development; employment; and legislation and international agreements.

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