Global Partnership 2012

United States Is the Chair of the Global Partnership in 2012

The United States is currently the Chair of the Global Partnership (GP) Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction. Ambassador Bonnie Jenkins, the State Department Coordinator for Threat Reduction Programs, serves as the U.S. representative to the GP and will chair the Global Partnership throughout 2012.

Date: 01/27/2012 Description: Ambassador Bonnie Jenkins, the State Department Coordinator for Threat Reduction Programs. - State Dept Image

As Chair, the United States will focus on the areas enunciated at the 2011 G8 Summit in Deauville specifically, nuclear and radiological security, bio-security, scientist engagement, and facilitation of implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1540. Officials will discuss assistance needs and coordinating possible projects in these areas as well as expanding membership of the Partnership.

Message from Ambassador Jenkins»

Policy Analysis Brief: The Future Role of the Global Partnership

"The Cold War legacy that led to the proliferation risks for which the GP was originally created has been a major source of global threat reduction activity since 1992. But like the world itself, these threats have evolved, and the United States stands ready to work even more closely with its GP partners and to welcome new GP partners so that we may continue addressing the serious challenges that confront all of us today."  Full Text»

The Global Partnership

The Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction began at the 2002 Kananaskis G8 Summit as a 10-year, $20 billion initiative to prevent terrorists or states that support them from acquiring or developing weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Since then, the GP has grown to include 24 Partners and has allocated about $21 billion worldwide. At the 2011 G8 Summit in Deauville, Leaders agreed to extend the Partnership beyond 2012.

Date: 03/12/2012 Location: Boston, Massachusetts Description: IWG Meetings, March 12, 2012, Boston - State Dept Image
IWG Meetings, March 12, 2012, Boston

The Global Partnership addresses nonproliferation, disarmament, counterterrorism, and nuclear safety issues through cooperative projects in such areas as destruction of chemical weapons; the dismantlement of decommissioned nuclear submarines; the security and disposition of fissile materials; and rechanneling employment of former weapons scientists to peaceful civilian endeavors.

Achievements to date include:

  • Improved accounting, control, and physical protection of nuclear and radiological materials
  • Enhanced nuclear, biological, and chemical security
  • Dismantled nuclear submarines and safe storage of removed spent fuel
  • Improved detection of nuclear and radiological materials and prevented illicit trafficking by improving border security capabilities
  • Engaged and redirected to peaceful purposes scientists, technicians, and engineers who have WMD, missile, and related expertise
  • Provided enhanced training on nuclear safeguards and security

Date: 01/23/2012 Location: Washington, DC Description: IWG Meetings Opening Session. - State Dept Image
IWG Meetings Opening Session, January 23, 2012, Washington, DC

Policy Dialogue Brief: Nuclear and WMD Security and Summit Diplomacy»

GP Members’ Websites:
Canada» | Germany» | France» | Japan» | EU»

U.S. Contributions

In 2002, the Global Partnership began as a 10-year, $20 billion initiative to prevent terrorists or states that support them from acquiring or developing weapons of mass destruction. The United States pledged $10 billion of that total. The U.S. Government participates in GP-related activities through programs at the Department of Defense, Department of Energy, Department of State, and other related agencies, and includes work in securing and dismantling fissile materials and nuclear weapons, promoting WMD export controls, destroying chemical weapons, aiding in WMD scientist redirection, and industry engagement, among other things.

The United States plans to provide up to $10 billion in continued funding during the period of 2012-2022 for threat reduction efforts, subject to annual Congressional appropriations.

U.S. Global Partnership Contributions»

The Global Partnership and International Organizations

The Global Partnership recognizes the important role of international organizations in the struggle to prevent the spread and development of weapons and materials of mass destruction. The GP coordinates with a number of international organizations, including the International Atomic Energy Agency, the Biological Weapons Convention Implementation Support Unit, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, INTERPOL, United Nations 1540 Committee, the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), the World Health Organization, and others.

Global Partnership Outreach Efforts to International Organizations»


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