Memorial Day, Truly Remembered
Posted by on May 25, 2012

Hello, from your Congressman, Michael Burgess.

One thousand soldiers of the Third U.S. Infantry’s “Old Guard” carefully placed small American flags on a quarter-million graves at Arlington Cemetery yesterday – on Thursday, before Memorial Day. 

Memorial Day - originally called “Decoration Day” - is our opportunity for a day of remembrance of those who died while defending our Nation and its values.  Each of us has the opportunity to make Memorial Day mean much more than just another of the three-day federal holidays:

Fly the U.S. Flag at half-staff until noon – and fly the POW - MIA flag.

And, at 3 o’clock this Monday afternoon – pause – for the "National Moment of Remembrance.”

Hopefully in your community, flags will decorate the graves. 
And perhaps we will observe “Decoration Day” as it began in May of 1868:  To renew the pledge to aid and assist those disabled veterans – the widow – and the orphan.  As the Civil War general said, “They are left among us - as sacred charges upon the Nation's gratitude.”

Please set aside this one day out of the year as the Nation gathers – to remember – reflect – and honor – those who have given everything in service to Country.

It only takes a few moments to keep the memory of Memorial Day alive for your children – to honor the sacrifice of past generations.

Thank you for taking the time to remember Memorial Day.

May God bless you and your family.  May God bless those who sacrifice for our Country – and as always, may God bless Texas.

The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • Alan Ray from Fort Worth Texas commented on 5/25/2012
    Let us not forget the ones that do not come back. I mean every living creature that was trained to defeat the enemy. The K-9 units that are euthanized are a part of our war machine that get left behind. Only because Congress has not added them to the list of war personel. Let us change what is wrong. Bring back all living creatures that saved lives and served the USA in a military conflict.
  • Cynthia from Justin commented on 5/25/2012
    Every time I think that patriotism is dying I get reminded that there are people out there who remember the foundations of our country and the importance of its history. I'm always touched by Mr. Burgess's heart for his country and his desire for what is upright and true. Thank you for posting this. My retired Marine husband will be very pleased to know your gratitude.
  • James Anderson from N. Richland Hills commented on 5/25/2012
    I understand that the redistricting will cause me to lose you as my Congressional Representative. I regret that very much. You have done a great job over the years. Thank you very much! James R. Anderson LTC USAF (Ret)
  • Mike Neville from Flower Mound commented on 5/25/2012
    Thanks for the history and instructions on how to fly the flag!
  • John Giovenco from Roanoke Tx commented on 5/25/2012
    well I feel congress and the Dept of Veterans affairs should hang their heads in shame on almost 1 million back log claims ,Veterans are getting denied denied denied on their entitled benebits and wait years until most die from the hamster wheel systems that the Dept of veterans affairs runs,Appeal after Appeal that take years to go though they ignore Fed courts they ignore congress they only state that thing are getting better that is an out right lie they may process claims faster only to get denied one after the other it's all lip service from the heads of dept of veterans affairs and a slap in the face to all veterans.As i said they should all hang their heads in shame and no one as help them accountable for their actions,We all know it's all about money.If you would do some research you will just see how many veterans get denied and the ones that do get granted get short changed ,But as long as you in congress and other parts of the government get your vacations health care and a long range of benefits it.s seems that no one care about the veterans and if it was'nt for them the counrty would not fuction .
  • Jeffrey A. Williams from Frisco commented on 5/25/2012
    I agree with John Gioveno comments largely. Veterans affairs has been largely a department within our government that has not behaved in an honorable or effective manner. As a retired veteran myself whom is seeking help for a fellow former 100% disabled Marine in one Gary Lee Williams whom lives in Joshua Texas asking, needing and not receiving the well earned assistance he so richly deserves and earned even from his own government representatives other than a "we'll look into it" approach I am frankly appalled and feel myself that a former fellow Marine is so shabbily treated especially sense he was disabled as a result of his helicopter being shot down while in the process of rescuing fellow Marines in a combat zone that were wounded. How can it be that now at 60 years old in need of a grant to help clean up his property as a result of illegal dumping while Gary was in recovery from a heart attack can he then be cited for a public nuisance and face the possibility of now loosing the only home he has? What kind of remembrance for his outstanding service is that? Dam little, and in fact is is unjustly punitive. Instead we have parades and celebrations that look good to the public but which actually cover up or gloss over what's really happening every day to deserving and needy Veterans. Dog an pony shows really. How nice, but how not representative of the actual fact that far and away, most veterans are mistreated and even indirectly abused.
  • Tom Barnes from Ft Worth commented on 5/25/2012
    I hope everyone will thank a veteran for serving, I see young vets now and I congratulate them on their service, because I know what it is like to come back from war zone and be treated like a traitor, just for serving your country. I also know how the VA works, parts of it are very good and other things they are waiting for you to die, then they don't have to do anything. I find it odd we will give money to illegals, free healthcare, we have people who do not want to work that we give assistance to, and the Veteran who gave these people these gifts, that what they are gifts, are looked down upon by our own gov., our President does not fully appreciate what our military has done for his family, some day I hope he wakes up to the fact that with out a strong military, we are nothing but a pawn. I want to thank Congressman Burgess for his work for our district, he is truly a American to be honored for his work.
  • Gene from Lewisville commented on 5/25/2012
    Welcome home, vereran, bless you for your service. I did not hear those words when I returned from Southeast Asia (Viet-Nam) in the summer of 1966. We must forever remember our service men and women who will stand in our stead, and do the things that we cannot or will not do to insure freedom for everyone. Our KIA's leave an empty hole in our hearts forever, but we must remember also those who returned wounded. Every veteran of a forigen war returns wounded, even those like me, who returned without a scratch.
  • Bob Ratliff from Corinth commented on 5/25/2012
    Thank you for the excellent representation you provide for those of us in the 26th district. Your historical information is very interesting and i also appreciate the reminder to work even harder to educate our children to honor this great holiday recognizing the Total sacrifice of those who fought for our nation and beliefs. Dr. Burgess, the comments listed above by John Giovenco trouble me. i'm sure they concerns you, also. I am in no position to determine the facts, so I support his request that you investigate this matter. Thank you and Happy Decoration/Memorial Day, from a strong supporter.
  • Jim from Trophy Club commented on 5/25/2012
    You are a patriot and one of the few in elected office that really want to bring our nation back to it's founding principles. My father was a Captain in the Army Air Force during WWII, and if he was alive today, I know that he would salute you! Thank you for always keeping us informed. God bless you!
  • Tille from Denton commented on 5/25/2012
    Our veterans and their families give so much for their country, our country too. They sacrifice their lives, being separated because of the rigerous training, and numerous deployments. Our veterans cannot get the medical help they need, as stated in the above email. This is a disgrace, we are suppose to be setting a high standard to other countries, and we are not. The funds are there it is just a question on when are we going to quit supporting other countries who would rather attack us than attempt to be a democracy, quit giving our tax dollars to people who are not legal residents in this country , and let our representatives in Congress step back and take a good hard look at their benefits in comparison to what our military receives. A big THANKS to all of those who have served our country and their families as well.
  • DIANE OLIVER from LEWISVILLE commented on 5/25/2012
    Please remember all our men and women that are not home with their families this weekend. keep them in our prayers that they will return to our home land soon. God Bless them,keep them safe.
  • Roy from Fort Worth commented on 5/25/2012
    Thank you Congressman Burgess for all of the hard work you do. I appreciate all of your emails and really enjoy the way you keep us informed. A very special "Thank You" to all of the men and women who sacrifice there lives so we can enjoy the freedoms we often take for granted and to there families...we must all remember that Freedom Isn't Free!!!
  • Mary from The Colony, Tx commented on 5/25/2012
    I just want to remind those of us that have not serve our country to remember freedom is not free. Many of our soldiers paid the ultimate price for this freedom we take so for granted. Thank you to our Veterans and their families as well. May God bless you an may He keep our soldiers throghout the world safe.
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