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The Energy and Emissions Reduction Policy Analysis Tool

The Energy and Emissions Reduction Policy Analysis Tool (EERPAT) was developed to assist state transportation agencies with analyzing greenhouse gas reduction scenarios and alternatives for use in the transportation planning process, the development of state climate action plans, scenario planning exercises, and to measure the reduction potential of various transportation strategies to meet state greenhouse gas reduction goals and targets. The Tool allows agencies to quickly assess policy interactions in hundreds of scenarios. Many states are seeking to perform this type of analysis, but lack the tools to do so - the Energy and Emissions Reduction Policy Analysis Tool was developed to fill this gap. The Tool uses GreenSTEP, developed by the Oregon State DOT, as its foundation, and is expected to have regular enhancements.

Download the Tool and Related Documentation

Listed below are links to download the Energy and Emissions Reduction Policy Analysis Tool, an example application of the tool in Florida, user documentation, and model estimation files that are required to develop new applications of the tool. Right-click on the links and "Save Target As..." to save to your local computer.

A Reference Sourcebook for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Transportation Sources was developed by FHWA to accompany the Tool. The Sourcebook describes various transportation-related greenhouse gas mitigation strategies, estimates the potential range of GHG reductions, estimates costs, identifies barriers to implementation, identifies example projects, and describes any associated co-benefits or disadvantages.

Receive Updates on the Tool

FHWA will continue to make refinements and revisions to this Tool to help facilitate ease of use and reduce run times, so please register at the link below to receive updates and notifications.

To receive email updates when new versions of the Tool become available, register here.

Pilot the Tool

FHWA will be conducting pilots in early 2012 with State DOTs to test the tool. If your state is interested in participating in a pilot, please contact Diane Turchetta at or 202-493-0158.

For questions please contact Diane Turchetta at FHWA at 202-493-0158 ( or Stephen Lawe at Resource Systems Group (RSG) at 802-295-4999 (

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