Annual Statistical Supplement, 2010


Highlights and Trends

Social Security (Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance)

Employment and Earnings

Workers in OASDI covered employment, 2009 157.6 million
Average earnings, 2009 $39,223
Earnings required in 2010 for—
1 quarter of coverage $1,120
Maximum of 4 quarters of coverage $4,480
Earnings test exempt amounts for 2010
Under full retirement age for entire year $14,160
For months before reaching full retirement age in 2010 $37,680
Beginning with month of reaching full retirement age in 2010 Test eliminated

Program Data

Cost-of-living adjustment for December 2009 0.0 percent
Average monthly benefit, December 2009
Retired workers $1,164
Widows and widowers, nondisabled $1,124
Disabled workers $1,064
Number of beneficiaries, December 2009
Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance 52.5 million
Old-Age Insurance
Total 36.4 million
Retired workers 33.5 million
Survivors Insurance
Total 6.4 million
Widows and widowers, nondisabled 4.1 million
Disability Insurance
Total 9.7 million
Disabled workers 7.8 million
Benefit payments, 2009
Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance $675.5 billion
Old-Age and Survivors Insurance $557.2 billion
Disability Insurance $118.3 billion
Administrative expenses, 2009
Old-Age and Survivors Insurance
Amount $3.4 billion
As a percentage of total benefits paid 0.6 percent
Disability Insurance
Amount $2.7 billion
As a percentage of total benefits paid 2.3 percent

Program Trends

Supplemental Security Income

Annual Payment Adjustments

Monthly federal benefit rate, effective January 2010
Individual living in his or her own household $674
Couple with both members eligible $1,011
Cost-of-living adjustment 0.0 percent

Program Data

Federally administered payments
Benefits paid in 2009 $46.6 billion
Number of recipients, December 2009 7.7 million
Average benefit, December 2009 $498.75
Federal SSI payments
Benefits paid in 2009 $42.6 billion
Number of recipients, December 2009 7.4 million
Average benefit, December 2009 $476.33
Federally administered state supplementation
Benefits paid in 2009 $4.0 billion
Number of recipients, December 2009 2.3 million a
Average benefit, December 2009 $124.96
a. Includes 2.0 million persons receiving federal SSI and state supplementation and 0.3 million persons receiving state supplementation only.

Program Trends

Health Care


Total benefits paid in calendar year 2009
Hospital Insurance (Part A) $239.3 billion
Supplementary Medical Insurance (Part B) $263.0 billion
Number of enrollees in July 2009 (one or both of Parts A and B) 46.5 million
Aged 38.8 million
Disabled 7.8 million
Administrative costs, 2009
Hospital Insurance
Amount $3.2 billion
As a percentage of total benefits paid 1.3 percent
Supplementary Medical Insurance
Amount $3.5 billion
As a percentage of total benefits paid 1.3 percent


Medical service expenditures in fiscal year 2008 $296.6 billion
Number of unduplicated recipients, fiscal year 2008 58.7 million
Average 2008 vendor payment per unduplicated recipient
Persons aged 65 or older $14,748
Permanently and totally disabled persons $14,840
Dependent children under age 21 $2,035
Average 2008 vendor payment for medical services
Nursing facility services $29,515
Inpatient general hospital care $7,082
Prescribed drugs $958
Physicians services $485

Other Social Insurance Programs and Veterans' Benefits

Unemployment Insurance

Total payments, 2008 $42.7 billion
Weekly benefit amount (regular programs) $297.10
Duration of benefits 14.9 weeks
Weekly insured unemployment 3.3 million
Covered employment 132.8 million

Workers' Compensation

Benefit payments, 2008 $57.6 billion
Compensation payments $28.5 billion
Medical and hospitalization $29.1 billion
Benefits paid by—
Private insurance carriers $30.2 billion
State and federal funds $13.9 billion
Employers' self-insurance $13.6 billion
Covered workers per month 130.6 million
Costs as a percentage of covered payroll 1.33 percent

Temporary Disability Insurance

Average weekly benefit, 2007
State fund $405
Private plans $638
New York
Private plans $196
NOTE: Programs in effect in California, Hawaii, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Puerto Rico, and the railroad industry.

Black Lung Benefits

Basic benefit to miner or widow $616
Maximum family benefit $1,232
Part B (claims filed before July 1, 1973)
Number of monthly benefits to miners, widows, and dependents, December 2009 28,558
Total benefits paid, calendar year 2009 $232.0 million
Part C (claims filed July 1, 1973, or later)
Total benefits paid, fiscal year 2009
Disability and survivors benefits $251.0 million
Medical benefits $31.0 million

Veterans' Benefits

Number of veterans with disability compensation or pension, 2009
Service-connected disability 3,070,000
Nonservice-connected disability 314,000
Monthly payment in 2010 for—
Service-connected disability
10 percent disability $123
Total disability $2,673
Nonservice-connected disability (maximum payment)
Without dependent $986
With one dependent and in need of aid and attendance $1,950

Poverty Data

Weighted average poverty thresholds, 2009
Individual, aged 65 or older $10,289
Couple, householder aged 65 or older $12,984
Family of four $21,947
Percentage of population with income below poverty level, 2008
All ages 13.3 percent
Children under age 18 living in families 18.4 percent
Persons aged 65 or older 9.8 percent