COPD: Learn More Breathe Better

Campaign Resources

The COPD Learn More Breathe Better® campaign of the NHLBI and its Breathe Better Network members are pleased to offer the following campaign resources for use in COPD awareness. These materials can be customized and localized for your regional use.

Visit NHLBI Health Information Center to access these campaign materials:

Campaign Materials

Click here for Fall 2010 PSA Campaign Materials

Click here for current print and radio PSAs as well as campaign widget

2007 "COPD: It has a name"
Campaign Materials

Click here for 2007 'COPD: It has a name' Campaign Materials

Click here for print and radio PSAs

Additional Materials

Fact Sheets
Speaker's Guide
COPD Essentials for Health Professionals Reference Card
Educational Video and Discussion Guide for Presenters
Resource Kit
Send COPD E-Cards

Fact Sheets

  • COPD: Are You at Risk? - Understanding the disease and its risk factors as well as providing information on getting help.
    English HTML | PDF* (467 KB) Ordering information
    Spanish HTML | PDF * (420 KB) Ordering information
  • Breathing Better With a COPD Diagnosis - Understanding the condition in order to take steps to breathe easier and live a more active life.
    English HTML | PDF* (3.15 MB) Ordering information
    Spanish HTML | PDF* (700 KB) Ordering information
  • 6 Tips for Talking to Loved Ones About COPD - to help guide your conversations with those you think might be at-risk for COPD. PDF | HTML
  • 4 Reasons to Learn More About COPD - Overview of COPD, its risk factors and major symptoms, and how to cope when living with it.
    HTML | PDF* (458 KB)

Speaker's Guide

Talking points, script and tips for making presentations. For use in:

  • Peer-to-peer presentations (Grand Rounds, hospital/medical seminars and conferences)
    PDF* (307 KB)/PowerPoint (310 KB)
  • Public/patient education seminars and speeches/conferences
    PDF* (307 KB)/PowerPoint (396 KB)

COPD Essentials for Health Professionals Reference Card

Pocket-sized reference card containing COPD essentials and listing risk factors and diagnosis and treatment options.
HTML | PDF* (254 KB)
Ordering information

Educational Video and Discussion Guide for Presenters

Profiling the personal experiences of three people diagnosed with COPD, this video answers basic questions about the disease and its risk factors, and demonstrates how real people took steps to manage the disease and breathe easier. A useful tool for educating those at-risk for the disease, the video can be utilized in settings such as community-based information seminars, health and wellness events and shows, and in health care provider offices or waiting rooms.

Resource Kit

The COPD Learn More Breathe Better® Resource Kit is full of tools and materials designed to help advocate organizations, patient groups and health care professionals spread the word about COPD.

Send COPD E-Cards

Tell a friend or family member about COPD with an e-card.

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