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Kirtland's warbler

(Dendroica kirtlandii)


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Kirtland's Warbler

Photo by USFWS; Joel Trick


The Kirtland's warbler, an endangered species, is a songbird that nests in young jack pine stands. Until 1995 they had nested only in the northern part of Michigan’s Lower Peninsula. Today, they also nest in the Upper Peninsula, and since 2007, have nested in Wisconsin and Canada.


Kirtland's warblers migrate from their nesting grounds to the southeastern coast of the United States on their way to wintering grounds in the Bahamas.


Kirtland's Warbler in Wisconsin


Wisconsin Kirtland's Warbler Updates - weekly updates on surveying, monitoring, and banding during the nesting season as well as nesting season summaries.


Wisconsin DNR Kirtland's Warbler Home


News Release (July 25, 2008) Partnership Proves Key to Kirtland's Warbler Nesting Success in Wisconsin


Long-term Management for Kirtland's Warbler

As a conservation-reliant species, the Kirtland’s warbler will always be dependent on annual habitat management and control of parasitic cowbirds. Although recovery goals have been met, provisions for continued management must be ensured before Endangered Species Act protection can be removed for the Kirtland's. A first step is a Memorandum of Agreement signed by partner agencies.


News Release: Conservation Agencies Commit to Long-Term Management of Kirtland’s Warblers (May 21, 2011)


Memorandum of Understanding - - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Michigan DNR, U.S. Forest Service: 10-page PDF (May 21, 2011)


Natural History and Regulatory Information:

Kirtland's Warbler Fact sheet


Working Together to Save a Special Bird....managing the forest for the Kirtland's warbler (a fact sheet)


Species Profile on the National Endangered Species website


Recovery Information:

Recovery is the process used to restore threatened and endangered species to the point that protection under the Endangered Species Act is no longer needed. Kirtland's warbler recovery has centered on managing State Forest lands, National Forest lands, and National Wildlife Refuge lands for short rotation jack pine to provide suitable nesting habitat, along with trapping and removing brown-headed cowbirds to reduce nest parasitism and increase warbler nest productivity.


Article: Rare Bird Nests are Cause for Celebration from Fall 2007 Endangered Species Technical Bulletin


Kirtland's Warbler 2010 Nesting Season Summary

Kirtlands' Warbler - Annual Census Results


Kirtland's Warbler Michigan Guided Tour Information



Links to More Information


This species is the subject of a Michigan Natural Features Inventory abstract (PDF), last updated 2002


Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment Kirtland's Warbler website



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Last updated: May 31, 2012