Trade Restrictions



Q. Currently, what countries have sanctions placed on them by the U.S. Government?

A. The Office of Foreign Asset Controls of the Department of Treasury provides information about sanctions regulations and maintains a list of individual entities with which U.S. parties cannot do business.

Q. What federal agencies are involved in export controls and over what products?

A. The Bureau of Export Administration (BXA) of the Department of Commerce provides links to federal agencies with export control responsibilities.

Q. What if I need additional information on which Federal agency has export controls/licensing authority over my product?

A. Go to the Bureau of Export Administration's General Information facts web page.

Q. What is a Commodity Jurisdiction request?

A. Go the Commodity Jurisdiction request.

Q. What are dual-use exports and who is the licensing agent?

A. Dual-use exports are those materials or equipment which are defense-related, involving sensitive (e.g., military or nuclear) or non-sensitive applications, such as computers, weapons, licensing of defense services and defense (munitions) articles.

Although the Bureau of Export Administration (BXA) the primary licensing agent for dual-use exports, the Defense Trade Controls (TDC) in the Department of State has authority over defense articles and services.


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