Forging Strong International Partnerships

Office of Plans, Policy and Analysis (PM/PPA)

Date: 01/27/2008 Description: Keeping the Peace: United Nations peacekeeping police officer Adeniram Adejoice, from Nigeria, holds the babies handed to hear by two refugee women, while on patrol in the Abou Shouk refugee camp in North Darfur, Sudan. © AP Image
The Office of Plans, Policy and Analysis supports the PM Assistant Secretary across a range of global political-military policy issues, programs, and planning activities. Learn more»

Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers (PM/RSAT)

Date: 06/17/2011 Description: Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs Andrew J. Shapiro and Standing Vice Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh lead the fourth annual U.S.-Vietnam Political, Security, and Defense Dialogue, June 17, 2011. - State Dept ImageThe Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers (PM/RSAT) advances U.S. foreign policy and national security interests through its management of bilateral/multilateral political-military and regional security relations and the sale/transfer of U.S.-origin defense articles and services to foreign governments. PM/RSAT is the Department of State’s principal entry point for bilateral and regional political-military questions from the USG interagency and foreign governments. See Security Assistance» Learn more»

Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC)

Date: 06/19/2009 Description: Visitors view the cockpit of a Lockheed Martin's F-16C/D made for the U.S. Air Force, during the 48th Paris Air Show at Le Bourget airport, north of Paris, Friday June 19, 2009.  © AP Image
The U.S. Government views the sale, export, and re-transfer of defense articles and defense services as an integral part of safeguarding U.S. national security and furthering U.S. foreign policy objectives. The Directorate of Defense Trade Controls, in accordance with 22 U.S.C. 2778-2780 of the Arms Export Control Act (AECA) and the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) (22 CFR Parts 120-130), is charged with controlling the export and temporary import of defense articles and defense services covered by the United States Munitions List (USML). See Defense Trade Treaties» Learn more»


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