About the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor


Our bureau is led by an experienced team of public servants, dedicated to the U.S. mission of spreading democracy and respect for human rights globally. The biographies of each of our bureau's senior staff display the diversity of experience and expertise currently benefiting the U.S. cause of promoting freedom around the world.

Date: 07/14/2011 Description: Official Photo of Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Michael H. Posner. - State Dept Image Assistant Secretary of State: Michael H. Posner
Date: 08/03/2010 Description: Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Deborah E. Graze - State Dept Image Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary: Deborah Graze
Date: 10/06/2010 Description: Daniel Baer, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor  - State Dept Image Deputy Assistant Secretary: Daniel Baer
Date: 08/03/2010 Description: Deputy Assistant Secretary for Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor Kathleen Fitzpatrick - State Dept Image Deputy Assistant Secretary: Kathleen Fitzpatrick
Date: 05/22/2012 Description: Deputy Assistant Secretary Thomas O. Melia - State Dept Image Deputy Assistant Secretary: Thomas O. Melia
Date: 08/03/2010 Description: Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism Hannah Rosenthal - State Dept Image Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism: Hannah Rosenthal
Date: 08/03/2010 Description: Special Representative for International Labor Affairs Barbara Shailor  - State Dept Image Special Representative for International Labor Affairs: Barbara Shailor
Date: 07/12/2010 Description: Judith E. Heumann as Special Advisor for International Disability Rights © Official State Dept Image Special Advisor on International Disability Rights: Judith Heumann
Date: 05/24/2011 Description: Suzan D. Johnson Cook: Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom  - State Dept Image Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom: Suzan Johnson Cook


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