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Federal Highway Administration > Publications > Public Roads > Vol. 76 · No. 2 > Articles

September/October 2012
Vol. 76 · No. 2

Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-12-006


Bridging the Bay

by Nancy E. Bobb and Greg A. Kolle

The San Francisco-Oakland east span, a 1930s landmark, is being replaced by a seismically advanced structure designed to last for 150 years.

The New Frontier in Accessible Transportation

by Mohammed Yousuf and Mark Fitzgerald

From DSRC to robotics, innovations that help travelers with disabilities also can enhance the road experience for seniors, bicyclists, delivery workers, and moms and dads.

Federal-Aid Essentials

by Rob Elliott and Steve Moler

FHWA has launched a new information-sharing initiative to help your local public agency manage its highway projects.

Making Walking Safer for Arizonans

by Kohinoor Kar and Mike Cynecki

An FHWA focus State speaks out about enhancing pedestrian safety through various innovations, including improved midblock crossings on multilane roads.

Expediting Environmental Approvals

by Kevin J. Starner

Two Pennsylvania bridge replacements illustrate techniques for complying with NEPA while delivering small-scale projects efficiently. Here are six steps from a design perspective.

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration