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Supporting New Faculty Recruitment to Enhance Research Resources

NHLBI Participation in Supporting New Faculty Recruitment to Enhance Research Resources through Biomedical Research Core Centers (P30) (RFA-OD-09-005)

The NHLBI views the Biomedical Research Core Centers to Enhance Research Resources (P30) Funding Opportunity Announcement (RFA-OD-09-005) as an opportunity to enable institutions to augment or expand their biomedical research efforts by hiring newly-independent investigators and providing them with appropriate start-up packages and the resources needed to develop pilot research projects.

For purposes of this FOA, the NHLBI will

  • Consider an investigator to be a newly-independent investigator (NII) and therefore eligible for support by the NHLBI under this mechanism if the investigator:
    • is to be or will be appointed to an independent tenure-track (or equivalent) research position at the Assistant Professor level;
    • is new to the faculty, e.g., a postdoctoral fellow or junior investigator hired from outside the institution, or an individual who is transitioning to independent faculty status within the current institution;
    • has not previously had a tenure-track research appointment at a former, or current, institution;
    • has a track record of research training and career development in a research area relevant to the primary mission of the NHLBI.
  • Consider a Department or a Division to be equivalent to a “Core Center”.
  • Consider an Institution to be any organization with its own Employer Identification Number (EIN) in the NIH Commons.
  • Not require a discussion of intra- and inter-institutional links or how the Center/Department/Division’s activities will assist in the development of cooperative linkages and partnerships across the academic health center, university or other collaborating institutions.

Applications referred to the NHLBI will be evaluated for responsiveness by the Institute.  To be considered responsive, applications must conform to and address the perspective and requirements provided in this guidance.  Responsive applications will undergo peer review by an initial review group convened by the NHLBI and secondary review by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Advisory Council (NHLBAC).  Awards are contingent upon the availability of funds, approval by the NHLBAC, and Institute priorities.

The text below provides critical additional guidance for the NHLBI’s participation in the NIH-wide RFA-OD-09-005 (Recovery Act Limited Competition: Core Centers for Enhancing Research Capacity in U.S. Academic Institutions (P30)) and identifies differences between NHLBI requirements and the NIH RFA.  Please read this guidance and RFA-OD-09-005 before submitting an application.


The Program Director/Principal Investigator must be a Department Chair, Division Chief, or Institute or Center Director.

The NHLBI will only accept 1 application per institution.

The NHLBI will only support one newly-hired investigator per P30 award, who must meet the criteria of a NII that are provided on this website.

Submission Requirements and Information

Applications must include:

  • an implementation plan with well-defined milestones to recruit and hire a NII and to meet all other requirements of the program,
  • an assurance that all direct costs requested in the application will be made available to the NII,
  • an appropriate start-up package and the resources needed to develop pilot research projects, and
  • a commitment signed by an authorized Institutional official of at least two additional years of institutional support for the NII after the award period.

NHLBI Priorities

Funding priority will be given to those applications with a named NII who is scheduled to start on or before September 1, 2009.

Although the NHLBI will not require the NII to receive joint appointment(s) with other academic unit(s) at the applicant institution as provided for in the NIH-wide RFA, it will expect the NII to have access to University-wide research resources and core facilities and to be able to serve as a mentor for graduate programs affiliated with other academic unit(s) as appropriate and to conform to all of the other criteria listed for a newly hired investigator in the NIH-wide RFA.

Last Updated September 4, 2009

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