U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Historic Preservation
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Sod house remains on the tundra - Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska Animated graphic that says - Learn, discover, protect

New Publications

Historical Happenings - April, 2012 (1 MB PDF)

Interior Shelves Newsletter, 2012 (866 KB PDF)

The Cultural Resources CCC History Project (1 through 4)
2010 Annual Report (2.11 MB PDF)
CCC History Project (part 1) (142 KB PDF)
CCC History Project (part 2) (189 KB PDF)
CCC History Project (part 3) (455 KB PDF)
CCC History Project (part 4) (265 KB PDF)

  Cover of Historical Happenings publication  

Recent News
Check out the great new web page about the Civilian Conservation Corps that was developed by R1 SCA Tribal Youth Intern Benjamin Garza. Benjamin has accomplished a lot during his two months at Malheur, like reading all of the monthly, quarterly and annual camp narratives for the three camps at Malheur. He selected the most interesting information from those reports, from local historical society information and from the local newspaper and has included them in this new interactive CCC web page

Hope you enjoy exploring the wonderful work that Ben has completed and that you learn a little bit more about the CCC at Malheur. http://www.fws.gov/malheur/ccc_interactive.html

Cultural Resources poster session from the Conserving the Future Conference, Madison WI July 2011

    Please check out our new podcasts to learn more about the FWS Cultural Resources program.

Introduction to Cultural Resources in the FWS
Educational Opportunities Using Cultural Resources
Volunteers/Friends Opportunities

For many years the annual Refuge Narratives served as the official 'diary' for our wildlife refuges. These documents offer invaluable information and insights into management practices used throught the history of a refuge and provide a unique 'snapshot' of how things were. The information remains an immensely useful primary source not only for the historical record of a reufge, but also as a key to assisting in present day management initiatives.
Learn more >>

New On-Line Training Modules Available
Module 4 - Understanding Section 106-- of the Cultural Resources Online training Series
This module was designed for all FWS employees and is available on the DOI Learn portal at https://doilearn.doi.gov/

For more information, please visit:
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Web Site >>
National Wildlife Refuge System Web Site >>

Historic Preservation News Archives >>

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    Upcoming Events

Discover 11,000 Years of History

[Refuges] are places where the people of today can renew the ties to their cultural heritage by viewing ancient and historic sites. These ties, delivered through the System's public use programs, strengthen the connection between wildlife and people."

The National Wildlife Refuge System. These words conjure up images of expanses of wild lands and vital habitat set aside for waterfowl, bison, caribou, and other animals. While the Fish and Wildlife Service is clearly recognized as a leader in preserving our natural wonder, most people are not aware that refuges also protect many of our country's most important archaeological and historic sites. These include:
  • paleoindian sites containing evidence of some of our hemisphere's earliest inhabitants
  • remnants of 19th century homesteads
  • sacred areas important to Indian tribe
  • the Battle of Midway National Memorial
  • pueblo sites in New Mexico
  • segments of the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail
  • the entire cargo of the Steamboat Bertrand that sank in April 1865
  • a Civil War-era plantation in South Carolina
  • lighthouses along the New England and Gulf of Mexico coasts
  • remains of prehistoric seafaring communities in Alaska's remote Aleutian Islands
  • Spanish colonial sites on Guam
Last Updated: May 4, 2012
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