How Your Data Are Protected

The Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) fully understand the importance of keeping your information confidential. We present published information only in the form of statistical summaries, and we never release any information that could identify individuals. The Census Bureau and BLS have established strict procedures to ensure data confidentiality.

The Census Bureau collects data for the Current Population Survey under the authority of Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 8b, which allows the Census Bureau to undertake surveys for other government agencies. Under Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9 the Census Bureau holds all information in strict confidence. Information reported in the survey which would permit the identification of a household or any of its members is not reported to anyone outside of the Census Bureau. Any Census Bureau employee who violates these provisions is subject to a fine of up to $250,000, a Federal prison sentence of up to five years, or both.

Computers are used to collect the survey data, but the information is encrypted to ensure its confidentiality.

For more information about the Census Bureau and BLS confidentiality rules and protections, please see:


Last Modified Date: September 23, 2011