COPD: Learn More Breathe Better

Breathe Better Network

Breathe Better NetworkSince 2007, the NHLBI has been working with COPD coalitions and task forces in several states to integrate the COPD Learn More Breathe Better® campaign with their outreach efforts. In the past two years the number of partnering organizations has increased and the campaign now supports a variety of partners at various stages of development. In March 2009 the NHLBI held a meeting of organizations active in COPD education, to encourage information sharing, gain insight and identify needs for expansion of the COPD Learn More Breathe Better campaign.

In response to recommendations made at the March 2009 workshop and building upon the ideas and needs expressed at that forum, the campaign established the Breathe Better Network to increase involvement in COPD awareness activities.

All organizations representing states, cities or communities that are engaged in COPD education and awareness through the COPD Learn More Breathe Better campaign can be members of the Network and may take advantage of program support. The three levels of participation in the Network are based on organization's level of activity in collaborating with the campaign. Everyone engaged in COPD awareness building is encouraged to join the Network and, as programs grow, attain greater levels of partnership.

Breathe Better Leadership Partners:

  • Utilize COPD Learn More Breathe Better materials to educate their constituencies.
  • Maintain a link on their Web site to the COPD Learn More Breathe Better campaign Web site.
  • Conduct at least four COPD outreach activities a year building on the COPD Learn More Breathe Better campaign. Activities may include public, patient, provider, or other professional education events; convening stakeholders to implement COPD state plan activities; or related activities that support increased awareness and knowledge of COPD and earlier diagnosis and support the campaign.
  • Campaign outreach includes at least one activity, as described above, aimed at health care providers.
  • Sustain COPD Learn More Breathe Better campaign activity.
  • Conduct quantitative evaluation of their COPD Learn More Breathe Better campaign activity to analyze their progress toward reaching their campaign goals.

Breathe Better Supporting Partners:

  • Utilize COPD Learn More Breathe Better materials to educate their constituencies.
  • Maintain a link on their Web site to the COPD Learn More Breathe Better campaign Web site.
  • Conduct at least two COPD public, patient, provider, or other professional outreach activities a year building on the COPD Learn More Breathe Better campaign, in addition to any activity focused on creating a coalition, task force, summit or state COPD plan.
  • Evaluate their COPD Learn More Breathe Better campaign activity to analyze progress toward reaching their campaign goals.

Breathe Better Core Partners:

  • Utilize COPD Learn More Breathe Better materials to educate with their constituencies, and/or
  • Maintain a link on their Web site to the COPD Learn More Breathe Better campaign Web site, and/or
  • Have identified or already convened other organizations to collaborate in forming a task force or coalition, or in planning or conducting COPD education activity, and/or
  • Implement and evaluate at least one COPD activity a year using campaign messages and materials.

Organizations that are Network members may use the campaign materials and the Breathe Better Network seal. Guidelines for use of the seal are available here.

Think you'd like to join the Network? Send us a note at


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