Publications & Tools

December 2007 | Peace Brief by Dorina Bekoe

A five-year uprising in Côte d’Ivoire ended in March 2007 with the signing of a peace accord. In the wake of this development, USIP and West Africa Network for Peacebuilding-Côte d’Ivoire recently organized a workshop on strategies to ensure a peaceful political transition and electoral process. This report details the meeting and the way forward to stabilize the country.

Countries: Côte d'Ivoire
August 2006 | Peace Brief by Kelly Campbell and Adams Fusheini

Major issues remained unresolved in the Côte d'Ivoire peace process, although parties to the conflict have signed five peace agreements and a government of national reconciliation has been formed. What are these major issues, the challenges facing civil society, and the role of regional and external actors in the ongoing peace process in Côte d'Ivoire?

February 2003
Countries: Côte d'Ivoire
February 2003

On February 12, 2003, Timothy Docking, Africa specialist and program officer in the Institute's Research and Studies Program explored some of the complicated issues surrounding the ongoing conflict in the Ivory Coast during testimony before the Africa Subcommittee of the House Committee on International Relations.

February 2003 | Congressional Testimony by Timothy Docking

Congressional Testimony by Timothy Docking, Africa specialist and program officer with the Research and Studies Program.

Credit: CIA World Factbook
November 2000

Commission of Inquiry: Mediation Committee for National Reconciliation
Duration: 2000 – 2001
Charter: Presidential Decree
Commissioners: 28
Report: No report


Countries: Côte d'Ivoire | Issue Areas: Rule of Law