Thursday, March 2, 2000202/307-0703

COMMUNITY PROSECUTION FUNDING DOUBLED FOR FY 2000 Deputy Attorney General Holder Announces Availability of $10 Million

WASHINGTON, D.C.--Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder announced today the availability of $10 million to help local prosecutors collaborate with community leaders, residents, and police to develop community-based public safety strategies. The community prosecution funding is administered by the Justice Department's Office of Justice Programs.

"Community prosecution is the next logical step to community policing, which has helped account for our country's historic decline in crime," said Holder. "The funds being announced today will help us further reduce crime by linking prosecutors to the communities they serve."

Community prosecution is a key element of community justice, which combines community policing, prosecution, and courts with restorative justice, and the involvement of citizens to prevent crime and violence and improve public safety. Community prosecutors work directly with neighborhood residents and organizations in the communities they serve.

Last year, OJP made community prosecution grants to 41 communities totaling more than $5 million. The grants allowed these communities to plan, implement, and enhance community prosecution efforts.

OJP will issue a solicitation for applications for the $10 million in mid to late March. Communities will be able to apply for funds to plan, implement, or enhance community prosecution efforts.

The $10 million being made available this year is twice the amount appropriated for FY 1999. President Clinton has proposed to expand the community prosecution program by requesting $50 million in the Administration's FY 2001 budget request.

Last year, OJP also made two special grants to Portland, Oregon and Denver, Colorado. Both jurisdictions had already implemented successful community prosecution programs and are providing technical assistance to new grantees. The American Prosecutors' Research Institute and the Center for Court Innovation will also provide technical assistance.

The Center for Court Innovation has also published three documents profiling community prosecution efforts in Denver, Portland, and Indianapolis. One profile is yet to be published, which will discuss the community prosecution initiative in Austin, Texas. The documents include information on how to establish a community prosecution effort, effective methods of building partnerships to strengthen an effort, and tips to help communities initiating community prosecution programs.

Additional information about OJP and its programs can be found at:

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