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Air and Water:  

Phosphogypsum: Agricultural Uses


Phosphogypsum (with very low radium concentrations) has been used in limited circumstances in the United States as a conditioner for clay soils and soils containing high levels of sodium because of its moisture-retaining and salt-leaching properties. Its use is considered critical to maintaining soil productivity in the southeastern states where soils are poor and erode easily. In addition, phosphogypsum provides needed nutrients, such as calcium and sulfur to deficient soils.

The phosphogypsum in the southeast is used primarily by peanut growers in Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, and Alabama. Studies have also indicated that phosphogypsum may be beneficial to southeastern soils used to grow tobacco, corn, small grains, and sugar cane. There is also a large demand for agricultural use of phosphogypsum in California to amend soils with high sodium content for growing such crops as citrus, almonds, vegetables, and tomatoes.

What information on agricultural uses can I find here?

The Agricultural Use section of the Subpart R HomePage provides information on the following topics:


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