HUBZone Empowerment Contracting Program

Public Law#: PL 104-135

13 CFR Parts 121, 125, and 126

HUBZone Empowerment Contracting
Program AGENCY: Small Business Administration.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The HUBZone Act of 1997, Title VI of Public Law 105-135, enacted on December  2, 1997 (111 Stat. 2592), created the HUBZone Empowerment Contracting Program (hereinafter ``the HUBZone Program''). This final rule adds a new Part 126 to  Title 13 of the Code of Federal Regulations to implement the HUBZone program.

DATES: The effective date of this rule is September 9, 1998. However, at the conclusion  of the congressional review, if the effective date has been changed, the Small Business Administration (SBA) will publish a document in the Federal Register  to establish the actual effective date or to terminate the rule.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION  CONTACT: Michael McHale, Assistant Administrator, Office of Procurement Policy and Liaison, 409 Third Street, SW, Washington, DC 20416, (202) 205-6731.

For read more about, please go to GPO website and click on Parts 121, 125, and 126.