Department of Justice Seal

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                          CR
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1997                          (202) 616-2777
                                               TDD (202) 514-1888


    Forwards Findings to Inspector General for Possible Action

     WASHINGTON, D.C. -- After an extensive investigation into
the death of Kenneth Michael Trentadue at the Federal Transfer
Center (FTC) in Oklahoma City, the Justice Department's Civil
Rights Division today ended its probe, determining that the
evidence does not establish a violation of federal criminal law.

     "We followed every lead, and we investigated every
allegation about potential misconduct by prison personnel in the
death of Kenneth Trentadue," said Isabelle Katz Pinzler, Acting
Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights.  "After a lengthy
investigation, involving scores of interviews and volumes of
documents, we concluded that the evidence does not support a
federal prosecution." 

      The Criminal Section of the Justice Department's Civil
Rights Division, drawing upon the resources of the FBI in
Oklahoma City, opened an investigation into allegations that
Trentadue may have been the victim of a federal civil rights

     Trentadue, a federal prisoner, was temporarily housed at the
FTC following his arrest for parole violations.  On the morning
of August 20, 1995, he asked to be moved out of the general
population area of the facility and into protective custody in
the segregated housing unit.  During a scheduled cell count
shortly after 3:00 a.m. on August 21, 1995, Trentadue was found
hanging in his cell. 

     Career prosecutors from the Civil Rights Division gathered
voluminous documentary evidence and details from witnesses
regarding the facts and circumstances surrounding the death. 
Federal prosecutors worked with a grand jury in Oklahoma in
conducting a careful review of the evidence.  During the review,
experts were consulted at the state and federal levels, and
scores of witnesses were interviewed, including prisoners,
correctional officers, prison officials, law enforcement
investigators, forensic experts and medical personnel. 

     The investigation into all allegations and potential leads,
however, failed to establish credible evidence that any Bureau of
Prison personnel violated federal civil rights laws.  Nor did it
establish evidence that was inconsistent with a conclusion that
Trentadue committed suicide.

     This matter will now be referred to the Office of Inspector
General to determine whether the conduct of any federal employee
in connection with the death of Trentadue and its aftermath may
have violated administrative rules and procedures.  The Justice
Department will also work cooperatively with state and local
officials including the appropriate Oklahoma state district
attorney in their efforts to determine whether state criminal
laws were violated.
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