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PPI Research examines the prospects for secure middle-class retirement.  


See also personal stories of struggling middle-class Americans.

Data Center

PPI State Data Center

Data by state on Americans 50-plus: health, financial security, housing, caregiving and more.  Read


Solutions Forum:

Ending the Foreclosure Crisis

What Will Help Older Americans?

Solutions Forum:

Promoting Aging in Place

Policies and Practices that Work

Solutions Forum:
Advancing Rural Health

Maximizing Nurses Impact

Solutions Forum: Launching Health Insurance Exchanges
What are states doing to create exchanges?

Solutions Forum: Improving Health Coverage for Americans 50-64

The impact of health reform—now and in the future.

Solutions Forum: Social Security and the Future of Retirement

What changes can ensure Social Security continues to play a major role in retirement security?

our public

Learn about the policy development process at AARP, and read about AARP's positions on public issues in The Policy Book, AARP Public Policies

faces of
chronic care

Faces of Chronic Care, a video produced by AARP’s Public Policy Institute, explores the difficulties faced by many older Americans with chronic health conditions as they (and their caregivers) navigate the health delivery system. Watch


PPI is home to the Center to Champion Nursing in America — a joint initiative of AARP, the AARP Foundation and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation — committed to addressing the growing nursing shortage that threatens access to health care and quality of care across the nation.  More

State Data Center

The AARP Public Policy Institute analyzes and publishes a wide range of state-specific data related to Americans 50+. Click on the map below to get all PPI data on a specific state.Or, see the following reports for data on all states and state-national comparisons:

Importance of Social Security and Medicare by State

The number of seniors who count on Social Security for much of their retirement income; the percentage of middle income seniors kept out of poverty by Social Security; number of state Medicare beneficiaries; and the role of Social Security and Medicare in the state economy.


Across the States 2012: Profiles of Long-term Services and Supports
The ninth edition of PPI’s state LTSS reference report presents comparable state and national data for more than 140 indicators, drawn from a wide variety of sources.

Raising Expectations: A State Scorecard on Long-Term Services and Supports

Data on affordability and access to care, quality of care and quality of life, choice of setting and providers, and support for family caregivers.

State Housing Profiles

Households by race, type, family make-up, and incidence of disabilities. Characteristics of occupied units.

Quick Health Facts 2012: State Data on Older Americans

Demographic data, health expenditures and financing, health status, Medicare enrollment, utilization and quality of services, access to care.

Impact of the Recession on Long-term Services and Supports by State, 2010

Data on non-Medicaid services, Medicaid long-term services and supports (LTSS), LTSS expenditures and provider payment rates, and state priorities.

State Economic, Demographic and Fiscal Indicators

Economic indicators, population and poverty data, income distribution, state and local revenues, taxes and rates, state and local expenditures.

Energy and Telephone Assistance in the States

Lifeline, linkup phone assistance. Low-Income Home Energy Assistance, Weatherization Assistance Programs and utility rate assistance.

State Estimates of the Economic Value of Family Caregiving

Number of caregivers, economic value of caregiving, economic value relative to level of Medicaid spending.



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