‹ Analysis & Projections

Annual Energy Outlook 2012

Release Date: June 25, 2012   |  Next Early Release Date: January 23, 2013  |   Report Number: DOE/EIA-0383(2012)

natural gasNatural Gas

exec summary Executive Summary

  • Natural gas production increases throughout the projection period, allowing the United States to transition from a et importer to a net exporter of natural gas....Read full section
  • Power generation from renewables and natural gas continues to increase ...Read full section
  • Evolving Marcellus shale gas resource estimates....Read full section

Mkt trends Market Trends

  • U.S. reliance on imported natural gas from Canada declines as exports grow.... Read full section
  • Trends in petroleum and other liquids markets are defined largely by the developing nations... Read full section
  • Renewable energy sources lead rise in primary energy consumption... Read full section
  • Reliance on natural gas and natural gas liquids rises as industrial energy use grows....Read full section
  • Coal-fired plants continue to be the largest source of U.S. electricity generation....Read full section
  • Most new capacity additions use natural gas and renewables....Read full section
  • Natural gas prices are expected to rise with the marginal cost of production....Read full section
  • Natural gas prices vary with economic growth and shale gas well recovery rates....Read full section
  • With rising domestic production, the United States become a net exporter of natural gas....Read full section
  • Shale gas provides largest source of growth in U.S. natural gas supply....Read full section
  • In most U.S. regions, natural gas production growth is led by shale gas development....Read full section
  • The U.S. becomes a net natural gas exporter....Read full section

issues Issues in Focus

figure data

Reference Case Tables
Table 1. Total Energy Supply, Disposition, and Price Summary XLS
Table 13. Natural Gas Supply, Disposition, and Prices XLS
Table 14. Oil and Gas Supply XLS
Table 18. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source - United States XLS
Table 18.1. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source - New England XLS
Table 18.2. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source - Middle Atlantic XLS
Table 18.3. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source - East North Central XLS
Table 18.4. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source - West North Central XLS
Table 18.5. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source - South Atlantic XLS
Table 18.6. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source - East South Central XLS
Table 18.7. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source - West South Central XLS
Table 18.8. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source - Mountain XLS
Table 18.9. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Sector and Source - Pacific XLS
Table 61. Lower 48 Crude Oil Production and Wellhead Prices by Supply Region XLS
Table 62. Lower 48 Natural Gas Production and Wellhead Prices by Supply Region XLS
Table 63. Oil and Gas End-of-Year Reserves and Annual Reserve Additions XLS
Table 64. Natural Gas Imports and Exports XLS
Table 65. Natural Gas Consumption by End-Use Sector and Census Division XLS
Table 66. Natural Gas Delivered Prices by End-Use Sector and Census Division XLS
Table 67. Primary Natural Gas Flows Entering NGTDM Region from Neighboring Regions XLS