Women in the Labor Force: A Databook (2009 Edition)

Table 17. Median usual weekly earnings of full-time wage and salary workers 25 years and over by educational attainment and sex, 2008 annual averages
Educational attainment and sex Total employed (in thousands) Median weekly earnings
Total, both sexes


96,027 $761

Less than a high school diploma

8,120 453

High school graduate or more (1)

87,907 800

High school graduates, no college (1)

27,392 618

Some college or associate degree

26,526 722

Some college, no degree

16,522 699

Associate degree

10,004 757

Occupational program

4,541 750

Academic program

5,463 762

College graduates, total

33,990 1,115

Bachelor's degree

22,033 1,012

Master's degree

8,881 1,233

Professional degree

1,620 1,531

Doctoral degree

1,455 1,561


42,584 670

Less than a high school diploma

2,566 378

High school graduate or more (1)

40,018 697

High school graduates, no college (1)

11,451 520

Some college or associate degree

12,756 628

Some college, no degree

7,713 611

Associate degree

5,043 661

Occupational program

2,121 639

Academic program

2,922 676

College graduates, total

15,812 955

Bachelor's degree

10,202 878

Master's degree

4,476 1,074

Professional degree

629 1,258

Doctoral degree

504 1,352


53,444 $857

Less than a high school diploma

5,554 497

High school graduate or more (1)

47,889 913

High school graduates, no college (1)

15,941 709

Some college or associate degree

13,770 830

Some college, no degree

8,809 803

Associate degree

4,961 883

Occupational program

2,420 871

Academic program

2,541 896

College graduates, total

18,178 1,285

Bachelor's degree

11,831 1,172

Master's degree

4,405 1,442

Professional degree

991 1,758

Doctoral degree

951 1,736

(1) Includes persons with a high school diploma or equivalent

SOURCE: Current Population Survey, U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.