Greenhouse Gas Inventory Management Plan

This Inventory Management Plan (IMP) provides a framework for the management of greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting within the U.S. Small Business Administration.

The Small Business Administration’s (SBA’s) mission is to maintain and strengthen the Nation’s economy by enabling the establishment and vitality of small businesses and by assisting in the economic recovery of communities after disasters. The SBA’s Sustainability Policy is to execute the SBA mission in a manner that preserves the environment. The SBA is committed to helping the federal government lead by example in creating a clean energy economy.

As mentors for, and supporters of, small businesses, the SBA has a unique opportunity to help motivate sustainable business practices in the small business community. As a small agency, which leases all of its facilities, the SBA also faces challenges in reporting and reducing our Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Accurately and effectively reporting and reducing emissions requires consistent dialogue with our partners, both inside and outside the federal government, that manage and report our GHG emissions. The SBA is currently focused on building and maintaining these relationships to continue to improve our data quality and reduce our emissions.

This document fulfills the requirements of Executive Order 13514, Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance (EO 13514) and the associated Federal Greenhouse Gas Accounting and Reporting Guidance (the Guidance). The Guidance identifies an IMP as a way to manage inventory quality. This IMP outlines the data, methodologies, and tools required to perform the annual GHG inventory in an accurate, reliable, and repeatable manner.

Read the full plan attached below.

Attachments:Greenhouse Gas Inventory Management Plan

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