In the Field

(Courtesy: Alison Milofsky, USIP)
July 2012

When USIP’s Alison Milofsky traveled to Togo in early July to provide negotiation training to the country’s military for upcoming peacekeeping missions, she armed herself with a 1994 New York Times article about Rwanda. This marked the second Togo visit for Milofsky, who works for USIP’s Academy for International Conflict Management and Peacebuilding, which trains African security personnel as part of the State Department’s African Contingency Operations Training and Assistance program, or ACOTA, that USIP has worked with for the last few years.

(Courtesy: Alison Milofsky)
February 2012

Training for most militaries around the world requires good instruction, lots of practice, and a large amount of remote territory. The 4th battalion of the Tanzanian military was no exception. Jeff Helsing and Alison Milofsky of USIP’s Academy provide an account of their recent ACOTA program training in Tanzania.

Robert Perito outside the Ministry of Interior, Tunis
January 2012

USIP’s Robert Perito, director of the security sector governance center, files this dispatch from Tunisia which is experiencing a transition to democracy from authoritarian rule.

December 2011

During a regional visit to the Middle East, USIP’s Manal Omar visited Libya several times as part of the Institute’s engagement in support of the ongoing transition there. Omar is director of USIP’s Iraq, Iran, and North Africa Program.

December 2011

USIP trained hundreds of African peacekeepers in seven nations this year in how to negotiate and mediate the peace.

(Courtesy: Daniel Noon)
November 2011

Manal Omar, director of Iran, Iraq and North Africa programs at the U.S. Institute of Peace, testified before the Senate Foreign Relations committee on November 2, 2011, on the role of women in the Arab Spring, and more specifically, their role in Libya.

Countries: Africa, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia | Issue Areas: Gender and Peacebuilding
November 2011

As the dramatic events of the Arab Spring turn to the more mundane yet vital work of governance, constitution writing and peacebuilding, USIP is on the ground, bringing its unique brand of action and expertise to the effort.

May 2011

Religious tensions in Egypt recently erupted into violence at two churches near Cairo, highlighting the importance of interfaith dialogue. Read about USIP's work to improve Coptic-Muslim relations in Egypt.

Countries: Africa, Egypt | Issue Areas: Religion and Peacemaking
April 2011

In the past year, Sudan has successfully passed two milestones established by its Comprehensive Peace Agreement: national elections in April 2010 and a referendum this January on independence for the country’s south. Many analysts and commentators feared, in both cases, that an eruption of violence could block the path to a peaceful resolution of the north-south conflict laid out in the historic 2005 accord.

April 2011

United States Institute of Peace trainers in March completed a five-day exercise in Nigeria for Nigerian Army peacekeepers who are preparing to deploy across the continent for a host of missions.