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Introduced, Invasive, and Noxious Plants

NRCS Invasive Species Policy
Invasive Species Executive Order 13112

Introduced Plants of the PLANTS Floristic Area with Scientific Name =K*
37 records returned

Click on an accepted name below to view its PLANTS Profile with all synonyms, distribution map, more information, and web links if available.

Symbol Scientific Name Common Name Native Status
KARO2 Kaempferia rotunda kaempferia PR (I)
KABE Kalanchoe beauverdii Beauverd's widow's-thrill HI (I)
KABL Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Madagascar widow's-thrill L48 (I), PR (I)
KADA Kalanchoe daigremontiana devil's backbone L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I)
KADE Kalanchoe delagoensis chandelier plant L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I)
KAFE Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi lavender scallops L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I)
KAGA Kalanchoe gastonis-bonnieri palm beachbells L48 (I)
KAIN2 Kalanchoe integra neverdie L48 (I), PR (I), VI (I)
KAINC Kalanchoe integra var. crenata neverdie L48 (I)
KAINV Kalanchoe integra var. verea neverdie PR (I), VI (I)
KALA3 Kalanchoe laciniata Christmastree plant L48 (I)
KAPI Kalanchoe pinnata cathedral bells L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I), VI (I)
KAIN5 Kalimeris indica Indian aster HI (I)
KASE Kalopanax septemlobus castor aralia L48 (I)
KAPU2 Karroochloa purpurea South African oatgrass L48 (I)
KEJA Kerria japonica Japanese rose L48 (I), CAN (I)
KHAN Khaya anthotheca Nyasaland mahogany PR (I)
KHSE2 Khaya senegalensis Senegal mahogany L48 (I), PR (I)
KIEL Kickxia elatine sharpleaf cancerwort L48 (I), CAN (I)
KISP Kickxia spuria roundleaf cancerwort L48 (I), CAN (I)
KIAF Kigelia africana sausage tree PR (I)
KLHO Kleinhovia hospita guest tree PR (I)
KNAR Knautia arvensis field scabiosa L48 (I), CAN (I)
KNUV80 Kniphofia uvaria redhot poker L48 (I)
KOMA Koeleria macrantha prairie Junegrass L48 (N), AK (N), HI (I), CAN (N)
KOEL Koelreuteria elegans flamegold L48 (I)
KOELF Koelreuteria elegans ssp. formosana flamegold L48 (I)
KOPA Koelreuteria paniculata goldenrain tree L48 (I)
KOAM80 Kolkwitzia amabilis beautybush L48 (I)
KRPH Krapovickasia physaloides krapovickasia L48 (I)
KRVI Krigia virginica Virginia dwarfdandelion L48 (N), CAN (I)
KUST Kummerowia stipulacea Korean clover L48 (I)
KUST2 Kummerowia striata Japanese clover L48 (I)
KUER Kunzea ericoides burgan HI (I)
KYBR Kyllinga brevifolia shortleaf spikesedge L48 (N), HI (I), PR (N), VI (N)
KYNE Kyllinga nemoralis whitehead spikesedge HI (I)
KYSQ Kyllinga squamulata Asian spikesedge L48 (I)
Time Generated: 02/17/2013 11:21 PM CST