Criminal Division

The Criminal Division

Terrorism and National Security
The fight against terrorism is the highest priority of the U.S. Department of Justice, and the U.S. Attorney’s Office is dedicated to combating and defeating terrorism. We work with our partners in law enforcement, the intelligence community, the military, and diplomatic circles to investigate, prosecute, disrupt and prevent terrorism. The Terrorism & National Security Unit includes prosecutors and an intelligence specialist.

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Fraud & Corruption
The Fraud & Public Corruption Unit focuses on complex fraud, public corruption, and financial crimes that the federal government is uniquely qualified to handle. Several financial analysts in the unit provide prosecutors with invaluable assistance to investigate and prosecute these cases. Cases include mortgage fraud, bank fraud, securities fraud, health care fraud, civil rights cases and many others.

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Computer Crimes & Child Exploitation
The Computer Crimes & Child Exploitation Unit prosecutes a broad range of computer-related crimes, from cases involving the sexual exploitation of children and Internet child pornography to computer intrusions, copyright and trademark violations, theft of trade secrets, identity theft, and Internet fraud.

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The Narcotics Unit focuses on prosecuting violations of the Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act, which sets out federal criminal offenses involving unlawful importation, possession, distribution, and manufacture of controlled substances. The Act also has rules concerning civil and criminal forfeiture of contraband, facilities used to further unlawful drug trafficking, and the proceeds of unlawful drug trafficking. Finally, the unit handles gang-related crimes that have a nexus to narcotics trafficking.

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Violent Crime Strike Force
The Violent Crime Strike Force Unit prosecutes violent crimes that are not related to drug trafficking (such as bank robberies), crimes involving illegally possessed firearms, international organized crime, traditional organized crime, and human trafficking.

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Appellate Unit
The Appellate Unit coordinates the office’s criminal cases in the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, the federal appellate court that reviews cases in Missouri, Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota. Additionally, the Appellate Unit, in consultation with the Department of Justice, decides when to seek appellate review of trial level rulings adverse to the United States.

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Monetary Penalties Unit
The Monetary Penalties Unit prosecutes criminal and civil forfeiture cases and enforces and collects criminal and civil debts, including restitution for victims in criminal cases. In addition to litigating civil forfeiture cases, the section provides support to Assistant U. S. Attorneys in the criminal division on all criminal forfeiture issues. Forfeiture attorneys work with federal law enforcement agencies, assisting their criminal investigations by identifying assets subject to forfeiture and developing evidence for seizure and forfeiture. The unit also collects criminal debts, such as fines and restitution orders, and civil debt to federal agencies, such as student loans and federally-guaranteed mortgages.

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David M. Ketchmark

Acting United States Attorney for the Western District of Missouri is pleased to bring you

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