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    Industry Awards Program
2000 Corporate Citizen Award Winner

Anadarko Petroleum Company

Don Sant, Sylvia Baca (Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management) and Rex Alman (Oxy Vice President of Domestic Operations)The Department of the Interior's Minerals Management Service presents its 1999 Corporate Citizen Award to Anadarko Petroleum Company. This award recognizes outstanding offshore operating performance and fiscal responsibility.

Anadarko Petroleum Company was selected as the top OCS lessee for operational safety as well as an outstanding royalty reporting record during the calendar year.

These efforts reflect the commitment of Anadarko Petroleum Company to promoting safety and corporate responsibility consistent with the intent and spirit of this Award.

Corporate Citizen Award Background

The first MMS Corporate Citizen Award (CORCIT) was presented at our 1999 Industry Awards Program and Luncheon. Our first two winners of the award were CNG Producing Company and Exxon Company, USA. Last year's CORCIT awards were the first in MMS history based on:
bullet Operational Safety. Must be among the top 10 OCS lessees according to the MMS Safety Ranking formula. The safety ranking formula considers data on Incidents of Noncompliance and accidents attributed to the lessee during a calendar year.
bullet Financial Reporting. Must be among the most outstanding OCS lessees in terms of royalty reporting and production reporting during a calendar year.


Last Updated: 09/17/2010, 05:06 PM Central Time