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June 15, 2012
Comment Period Extended for HACCP Systems Validation
FSIS is extending the comment period 30 days for the Federal Register notice that clarifies requirements for validation and for the guidance document to assist establishments in meeting the validation requirements.

The original deadline to submit comments on both documents was July 9; the new deadline to receive comments is now August 9. FSIS is extending the comment period in response to a request from an industry association that stated that small businesses with multiple HACCP processing categories need additional time to evaluate the draft guidance document.

Comments may be submitted through the Federal eRulemaking Portal at www.regulations.gov or by mail to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, FSIS, Docket Clerk, Patriots Plaza III, 355 E. St S.W., 8-163A, Mailstop 3782, Washington, DC 20250-3700. All items submitted must include docket number FSIS-2009-0019.

Updates on FSIS Testing for E. coli
Weekly updates for the agency's raw beef E. coli sampling program are posted to the FSIS website.

For comparative previous and current year results, go to www.fsis.usda.gov/Science/

FSIS Makes Changes in its Laboratory Testing Methods
The FSIS Chemistry Laboratory Guidebook (CLG) method, Determination and Confirmation of Flunixin by HPLC/ESI-MS/MS (High Performance Liquid Chromatography - Tandem Mass Spectrometry with Electrospray Ionization), will be updated. The method will be extended to pork liver and muscle.

Another method, Determination and Confirmation of Penicillin G by LC-MS/MS (Liquid Chromatography - Tandem Mass Spectrometry), has been provided to FSIS by FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine. The method has been converted to FSIS CLG format for use in FSIS laboratories and will be applicable to beef kidney, liver and muscle.

Both methods are intended to increase the number of chemicals and materials the agency tests to prevent contaminated products from going into commerce. These methods are being posted to the CLG and will be implemented by FSIS beginning July 16. To review the guidebook, visit www.fsis.usda.gov/Science/

Deadline Next Week: USDA NACMPI Nominations
USDA is soliciting nominations for the National Advisory Committee on Meat and Poultry Inspection (NACMPI). All applications need to be received by June 20 for consideration.

Nominations for membership to the Committee are being sought from individuals representing academia, public health organizations, industry, state and local governments, consumer organizations and the public. Federally registered lobbyists will not be considered for membership. Established in 1971, NACMPI meets on food safety concerns and advises the Secretary of Agriculture on matters affecting federal and state inspection program activities. The advisory committee also contributes to USDA's regulatory policy development.

Recommendations made by NACMPI are sent to USDA's Under Secretary for Food Safety for consideration and reviewed by the Secretary of Agriculture. For more information about NACMPI, visit www.fsis.usda.gov/About_FSIS/NACMPI.

Application packages should include a cover letter, resume and USDA Advisory Committee Membership Background Information form AD-755 (www.fsis.usda.gov/forms/index.asp). The resume or curriculum vitae must be limited to five, typed, one-sided pages and should include educational background and expertise.

Application packets should be sent to Thomas Vilsack, Secretary, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1400 Independence Ave., S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250, Attn: National Advisory Committee on Meat and Poultry Inspection.

Export Requirement Updates
The Library of Export Requirements has been updated to reflect changes in export requirements for the following countries:
  • Colombia
  • European Union
  • People's Republic of China
  • Peru
  • Taiwan
Complete information can be found at https://webarchive.library.unt.edu/web/20120921003834/http://www.fsis.usda.gov/Regulations_&_Policies/

FSIS Policy Update
FSIS issues notices and directives to protect public health. All notices and directives are available at www.fsis.usda.gov/Regulations_&_Policies/index.asp. The following policy update was recently issued:
  • Notice 42-12, Cancellation of FSIS Directive 8100.1, Planned Compliance Program

Check Out Our Food Safety PSAs on YouTube
As part of the Food Safe Families campaign, USDA has posted public service announcements (PSAs) called "Check Your Steps— Clean, Separate, Cook and Chill" on YouTube.

The PSAs, entertaining depictions of the four key safe food handling behaviors, urge parents to keep their families safe from food poisoning while delivering clear steps to reduce their risk.

Go to www.youtube.com/user/USDAFoodSafety and check out the YouTube USDA Food Safety Channel.

Visit USDA's Blog
Every day, the USDA Blog shares something new about USDA's expansive mission. The blog provides a rich and diverse look at the work within the department, spanning the nation-and even the world-and highlights the breadth of USDA programs and the role they play in the lives of every American.

Go to https://webarchive.library.unt.edu/web/20120921003834/http://blogs.usda.gov and see what's happening within the agency and across the department.

Follow Us on Twitter
Find food safety information for at-risk people along with tips and resources to keep consumers and other interested groups informed of the latest agency news and events. Follow FSIS on Twitter at www.twitter.com/USDAFoodSafety.

You can also receive alerts about recalls in your state and how to keep food safe during severe weather in your area by following FSIS' state Twitter feeds. A list of all FSIS state food safety alert Twitter feeds is available at www.fsis.usda.gov/Fsis_Recalls/

Also Tweet En Español
The FSIS Spanish language Twitter feed keeps consumers and other interested communities informed of the latest agency news and events and provides useful food safety tips.

Follow FSIS' Spanish Twitter account at www.twitter.com/usdafoodsafe_es.

Last Modified: June 15, 2012



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