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Prospective Students

Your Success in the Core Mathematics Curriculum Begins Here
What is the Fundamental Concepts Exam (FCE)?

Cadets enter the US Military Academy with different math backgrounds. To successfully begin work in their math/science/engineering (MSE) courses at USMA, incoming cadets must arrive with the knowledge of certain mathematical skills and concepts. The FCE is designed to test those skills. All cadets are required to pass the test and demonstrate mastery of its topics before moving on to higher math courses.
  • Useful Formulas: These are formulas that will help with your Fundamental Skills.
  • Video AI: This is a link to some video resources that work out problems like those found on the Fundamental Concepts Exam. All thirteen concept areas are included.
  • Other Resources: Follow this link to worksheets with reviews of important principles and practice problems with solutions posted. There are also links to other web resources.
Have You Already Taken Calculus?

If you are a high school student who is currently taking or has already taken single variable calculus (Calc I or Calc II) then you may be able to validate single variable calculus and enroll in the Advanced Core Mathematics Program at West Point. For more information on this opportunity, follow this link.