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Mathematical Sciences Major

The mathematical sciences embody the quantitative and analytical reasoning skills applicable to the physical and social sciences and all fields of engineering. Known as the language of science, mathematics clarifies scientific concepts and describes scientific phenomena through symbolic language and the rules for its use. The full process of the mathematical sciences entails mathematical formulation of scientific problems and their subsequent solution and interpretation.
Military Applications of Mathematics
Mathematics and the ability to use it are particularly important to Army officers, who are leading Soldiers in a complex and increasingly technical world. A successful career depends upon one’s ability to assimilate knowledge from many fields and to apply it to a wide variety of social and technical problems. Mathematics is the common vehicle of thought and expression that enables the leader to model and solve quantifiable problems whether at the platoon or at the Department of the Army level.
Math Major Plan.png
Student Outcomes
The student outcomes of the mathematical sciences major include:
  1. Demonstrate competence in modeling physical, informational, and social phenomena by:
    • Identifying and articulating assumptions, metrics and constraints.
    • Applying appropriate solutions techniques.
    • Interpreting results within the appropriate context.
  2. Argue and inquire soundly and rigorously; become independent questioners and learners.
  3. Achieve mathematical proficiency in breadth and depth.
    • Understand and apply theorems and algorithms.
    • Understand and apply analytical methods.
    • Understand and apply numerical methods.
    • Understand and apply graphical methods.
    • Understand discrete and continuous structures and processes.
  4. Communicate mathematics, both orally and in writing.
  5. Use technology to model, visualize, and solve complex problems.
  6. Develop attitudes – habits of mind:
    • Creative and curious.
    • Experimental disposition.
    • Critical thinking and reasoning.
    • Commitment to life-long learning.
  7. Understand the role of mathematics in interdisciplinary problem solving.
Program of Study
The Mathematical Sciences Major offers abundant opportunities for study in a broad range of mathematical subjects. Courses such as differential equations, linear algebra, mathematical modeling, analysis, numerical computation, statistics, provide a sound mathematical foundation in the science and engineering fields. In addition, follow-on courses such as graph theory and networks, linear optimization, combinatorics, and advanced individual study provide both depth in understanding the foundations of mathematical theory, as well as opportunity for study and research in a selected subject. Whenever possible, the use of the computer is emphasized to extend the knowledge required for the consideration of realistic and challenging problems of today's world.
Cadets interested in studying mathematics or the application of mathematics can pursue a degree in Mathematical Sciences, Mathematical Sciences Studies, or Mathematical Sciences with Honors. All cadets must complete 26 core courses and complete any one of the seven 3-course engineering sequences.
The Mathematical Sciences Major requires an additional 13 courses (9 required and 4 elective) for a total of 42 academic courses.
Mathematical Sciences Studies Major requires an additional 11 courses in the major (8 required and 3 electives) for a total of 40 academic courses. MA387 and MA491 are not required but can be taken as electives.
Honors Program
The Mathematical Sciences offers an honors program. In order to receive a Mathematical Sciences Major with Honors a cadet is must:
Required Courses
Course No. Course Title
Mathematical Core (7 of 7)
MA363 Vector Calculus and Ordinary Differential Equations
MA371 Linear Algebra
MA383 Foundations of Mathematics
MA386 Introduction to Numerical Analysis
MA387 Mathematical Analysis I
MA391 Mathematical Modeling
MA491 Research Seminar in Applied Mathematics
Statistics Elective (1 of 2)
MA376 Applied Statistics
MA476 Mathematical Statistics
Integrative Experience (1 of 2)
MA490 Applied Problems from Math, Science, and Engineering
XX490 Another Department’s Integrative Experience
Information Technology (1 of 2)
IT305 Military IT Systems
IT355 Theory of Military IT Systems
Elective Courses (3 of 28, at most 1 non-math)
Course No. Course Title
Math Electives
MA372 Introduction to Discrete Mathematics
MA376 Applied Statistics
MA381 Nonlinear Optimization
MA385 Chaos and Fractals
MA396 Numerical Methods for the Solution of Differential Equations
MA461 Graph Theory and Networks
MA462 Combinatorics
MA464 Applied Algebra with Cryptology
MA466 Abstract Algebra
MA476 Mathematical Statistics
MA481 Linear Programming
MA484 Partial Differential Equations
MA485 Applied Complex Analysis
MA487 Mathematical Analysis II
MA488 Special Topics in Mathematics
MA489 Advanced Individual Study In Mathematics
MA493A Operational Calculus and Transforms
MA493B Real Variable Theory
MA493C Topics in Numerical Analysis
MA493D Introduction to Topology
MA493E Topics in Analysis
Non-Math Elective
EP333 Cultural Studies
EV365 Geography of Global Cultures
LW481 International Law
DS455 Comparative Military Systems
PL371 Introductory Sociology
SS381 Political and Cultural Anthropology
LX300 Foreign Language