Fermilab Business Services Section

Business Services Section



Kathryn Duerr
WH3SW #358
Hours:  8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Monday thru Friday
(630) 840-5693

Fermilab Business Services Section

Technical Publications

Mandatory Requirements for Scientific/Technical Publications per Contract with DOE

  • Dissemination of Knowledge
  • To fulfill Fermilab’s contractual requirements with DOE.  The number of Scientific/Technical Publications published is listed in annual DOE scorecard reports.  Scientific/Technical Publications are Fermilab’s end product
  • FRA Employees - this includes Scientific/ Technical Publications that list FRA Employees on the author list 
  •  Guest Scientists, Visitors, Users, and Members of a Collaboration, reporting work done using Fermilab facilities
All Theses and Scientific/Technical Publications written for external distribution
  • Theses
    • Bachelors
    • Masters
    • Doctoral dissertations
  • Scientific/Technical Publications
    • Preprints intended for publication in a peer-reviewed journal
    • Conference reports
    • Technical memos documenting equipment or other technology
    • Physics notes - short papers not intended for journals or conferences
  • Does not include internal notes, posters or slides.

This must be on all
Scientific/ Technical Publications:Operated by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC under Contract No. De-AC02-07CH11359 with the United States Department of Energy.


Copyright Agreements
These papers come under the DOE and FRA classification of "work for hire" and all copyright forms must be signed by the Technical Publications Office.


Internal Review

  • ORTA (patent) review: all papers.
  • Scientific review: all papers except those of
    • the PPD Theory Department
    • the theoretical papers of the Center for Particle Astrophysics
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